Pura Vida Connections
Sep 29, 2021
Welcoming October & It's Rainy Splendor in our Outstanding Southern Zone of Costa Rica
Have heard a few tales recently that ICE is now cutting service for non-payment super rapidly... some reports of the day after due date.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 27, 2021
My Tico Heart: Katya De Luisa, The Mapmaker
After selling my jungle tour horses, we moved to the capital city to make tourist maps, however, I had no idea of how to make maps.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 22, 2021
The Benefits of Burning Pure Beeswax Honey Candles
Beeswax is the purest and most natural of all waxes, with the least amount of processing and no additives.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 20, 2021
My Tico Heart: Katya De Luisa, Manuel Antonio
I arrived in Costa Rica with two small sons and $900, and we began searching for a beach area to live. En route to Quepos on the Pacific...

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 15, 2021
Viva la Independencia in our Incredible Southern Zone of Costa Rica
We are so happy that Colibrí 's Corner is back in our original location (at the very back, parking lot side of the feria).

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 15, 2021
Mi Corazón Tico: Katya de Luisa
Como educadora sobre la demencia y consultora en cuidado de adultos mayores, ha proporcionado información y entrenamientos enfocados a ellos

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 15, 2021
My Tico Heart: Katya De Luisa
As a dementia educator and caregiver consultant, she has provided information and training centered on holistic approaches to eldercare.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 10, 2021
Happy 200 Year Birthday, Costa Rica, from your Spectacular Southern Zone
We are well equipped and happy to do your shopping for you, and send it to you by messenger or taxi

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 8, 2021
Club Internacional de Mujeres de PZ, unidas a DONATAPA
A través de la amistad hacemos un aporte de servicio a nuestras comunidades en el bello Sur de Costa Rica.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 8, 2021
Amistad y Servicio: Pilares del Club Internacional del Mujeres de Pérez Zeledón.
Haciendo un aporte de servicio a nuestra comunidad a través de la amistad en el bello sur de Costa Rica.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 8, 2021
Friendship and Service; Pillars of the PZ Women's Club
To make a service contribution to our community through friendship in our beautiful southern zone of Costa Rica.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 1, 2021
What will September Bring to our Spectacular Southern Zone of Costa Rica?
Colibrís Corner has a great variety of natural soaps and cleaning products: for dishes, clothes, hands, and face, etc.