Pura Vida Connections
May 28, 2021
Logistics Management Services: a Costarican Company
Logistics Management Services is a full-service, bi-lingual company. We are a Costa Rican company that is American-owned and managed.

Pura Vida Connections
May 27, 2021
Super Flower Moon over our Beloved Southern of Costa Rica
We are very fortunate at the PZ feria that we can continue to stay open... even with lots more restrictions. We hope to see you there and...

Pura Vida Connections
May 20, 2021
Magical May in our Precious Southern Zone of Costa Rica
We are very fortunate at the PZ feria that we can continue to stay open... even with lots more restrictions. We hope to see you there.

Pura Vida Connections
May 19, 2021
Personally Meaningful Everlasting Gifts
Weddings, Anniversaries, Christmas, Graduations, Babies Birthday, Birthdays, Valentines Day, Mother's / Father's Day, Family Portraits, Love

Pura Vida Connections
May 5, 2021
Magical May in our Magnificent Southern Zone of Costa Rica
We are very fortunate that we will be open this week at the PZ feria. Rules will be really strict...