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Marguerite`s Astrology

Writer's picture: Pura Vida ConnectionsPura Vida Connections

Astrology Sabian Tarot


Happy holidays everyone! Really missed getting this out to everyone

We have a huge Galactic wave coming in now and by the 26th of Dec. it will be stronger and extremely potent. It may be time to get a seat-belt on the "Magic carpet ride" Sabian Symbol for this solar lunar year which ends in March.

Mercury is also in retrograde(appearing to move backwards) from the Dec 19 to Jan 8 and still in shadow until Jan 28. This is time to check all your appliances, tech equipment, etc. Even watch for that "oh so nice gift, they might not love it!

In this retrograde, Mercury will be passing through the Galactic Center twice, as I said we as a planet are experiencing these waves HUGE. They are sharp and focused on our abilities to give and receive love, compassion, beauty, creativity, kindness in unlimted abundance as we go through this Cosmic Evolutionary Shift.

On Dec. 21 the Soltice takes place and it is a biggie, full of energy and all ready for us to look at the year behind us and the year ahead of us. What do we need to release?

What to we need to make our lives and those around us into the paradise we all deserve?

We are also at the end of a nine year of completion, 2017 is a one and here we go beginning another nine year cycle.

By this time we should be capable of centering ourselves and grounding our intentions of love, expansion and receptivity.

This may be when the proverbial rubber meets the road, love up yourself so you are able to help your brothers and sisters do the same. Remember that nobody is really wrong, we are all at different stages of evolution and do not be abused, but also refrain from judgement.

Every single perception can lead us to love or fear, which will you choose?

NOW is important that we don't feed into the emotional/mental entanglements. The old systems need to fail we don't want to repeat these negative cycles anymore. It is up to us to choose Love and kindness.

NOW is the time to realize that separation and division is only illusions we have put before our real selves.

NOW is the time to forgive and use these healing energies freely given to us. Start with yourself and then look at those around you who are also doing there best in these somewhat trying times.

Keep on looking at the loving part of yourself and others, in this manner it will flourish. And we can fill the "cornicopio basket" full to over-flowing, each and everyone of us.

Blessings to you all, and please if you would like to make a donation to support these reports, do so at paypal. With a note for Marguerite.

If you would like a private reading with me contact me at

Much gratitude for your support to keep this going!

Intuitive Tarot by Sunsign

Aries- Ten of Pentacles- This is a time for peace, joy, and prosperity. How will you share this? Because share you must!

Taurus- The Sun- This is a time when you are likely to see the truth with a capital T about life, which is there is a great deal of beauty, and joy in this life... Spread the word!

Gemini- The Hierophant- You may be very concerned with spirituality now. It may not be traditional religion. Take time to allow yourself to expand your spirit!

Cancer- The Lovers- Don't blindly follow the hive-mind, question everything, listen to your heart and trust your gut reaction. A mentor may be coming into your life. Remember "when the student is ready the teacher appears"

Leo- King of Wands- Developing spirituality is a process not an overnight sensation. Give yourself the time and space to just BE. Walking meditations are very helpful!

Virgo- Six of Cups- Any kind of spiritual ritual can be helpful now. Try new theories out, update and reinvent your old traditions. These actions will serve you well!

Libra- The Hermit- Don't push yourself to be around alot of people. Honor the need for introspection, this won't last forever, so the take the time for yourself. You will come out of this refreshed and renewed!!

Scorpio-Ace of Wands- Remember that your body and mind are more closely connected then you tend to consider. There is a possible new influence coming into your life be open to it!

Sagittarius- Three of Swords- This is not the time to cling or keep a tight grip.You must make room in your heart, life emotions,and spirit for new things to come to you.The answers you seek are inside you, have you looked inside lately?

Capricorn- Temperance- Patience, my dear this is a time to meditate and seek inner guidance. If you need need help you can ask, the answers you are seeking, you will find!

Aquarius- Page of Pentacles- What do you enjoy? What excites you? I get the feeling you are a little bored...Get off the beaten path and try new things. Find the most upbeat person you know and have a talk with them, you will learn something very valuable!

Pisces-Two of Swords- You are more balanced then you perceive. Hold fast to what you believe and how you see things, even if others don't see it that way now, they will come around!

Merry Christmas everybody, love and light and gratitude, Marguerite

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