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Marguerite Astrology

Astrology Sabian Tarot


Super Duper Full Moon

Week of Nov. 9-16

Full Super Moon In Taurus Monday Nov. 14. This is when the Moon is closest to the Earth . For most of us it's a one time event. The last time was 70 years ago. And the next time is 2034!

The Moon treasures being in Taurus, she seeks peaceful homelife and finacial security.

With Chiron sextiling there is a sense of home is where the heart is.

Do we or can we bring more peace and true love to our home or living situation?

On the 8th of Mars entered Aquarius, Our inner rebel will advocate for the tribe! Mars will be in Aquarius till Dec. 19.

On the 12th Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius broaden your horizon's, seek new ideas that expand your visions. Mercury will be until Dec. 2.

I am changing things a bit this week and will return next week with Tarot and Sunsigns.

I really wanted to give some energy to the 11>11 Portals that will be open.Venus will enter Capricorn until Dec. 7. This " window" is surging with the recent shifts in frequencies. We as a collective are crossing the bridges, we have passed the tipping point now we can step in to these energy's with confidence in our evolution.

Some of us have been holding the light so long we may have forgotten < WHY?

This 11-11 is an open door for really grounding into Gaia your intentions for love and peace and prosperity for the good of all.

No one person is going to make this happen we are one and individual and we are all needed in this great time.

Its also my birthday so celebrate for me and with me!

Be the change you want to see. (thank you Gandhi)

Much gratitude for your donations, please use this Paypal, with a note for Marguerite

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