If you say YES to any or all of these questions, then this apprenticeship program was designed with you in mind! …
Are you tired of feeling disconnected from your food and medicine?
Are you tired of dreaming of learning self-sufficiency skills, but not doing it?
Do you see yourself walking the talk, stepping up, practicing radical self-care by growing some food herbs or medicine?
Do you like to grow a few things but now are ready to upgrade?
What if you could eat salad from your patio? Or cut fresh culinary herbs out your back door to share with your neighbors?
Do you already have an idea or plan for what you want, but don't want to spend hours surfing to learn everything right now?
Want your own homesteading coach?
Are you short on experience and have a mission to grow your own food?
Would you like a comprehensive course covering some basic farming methods?
Good news! Wendy Crews is here to serve her purpose with the Smiling Fork Farm-to-Table Growing Apprenticeship.
Wendy will inspire you to imagine and implement easy productive food growing methods for maintenance & management, and present simple adaptable steps to experiencing connectedness, wholeness, radical self-care, and environment care. Be the change. You are the solution. Growing food is one of the most primal spiritual practices.
You and everyone with a windowsill can have an experience with plants. Scientific evidence of healing. The healing power of plants. This is a step for self-care.
In this 12-week apprenticeship experience, you will gain:
Multiple growing styles and farming skills instruction
Homesteaders wisdom
Learning self-sufficiency and preparedness skills
Understanding of food security and how to create a stocked pantry
Connection, centeredness, groundedness, belonging to creation, healing, clearing, resetting through growing.
Members receive both class and personal mentoring for customizing individual projects.
12 modules include:
Deep Mulch
Square foot
Orchard/Food Forest
Homemade Pesticide/Fungicide/Fertilizer/ EM and MM
Pruning /Grafting/ One Stem Tomatoes
Seed Saving/ Anastasia Planting Wisdom / Perelandra
Root Cellars/ Ice House/ Thermal Mass in the Garden
Compost/ Vermiculture
Bio Toilet
Healing Garden; Small zone one garden design that's adaptable. This food growing system works everywhere, in tiny yards or community gardens
Dowsing/ Muscle Testing
Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain Standard / Costa Rica time
Smiling Fork Farm-to-Table Growing Apprenticeship FREE Info Session
Wednesday, September 21 · 5:00pm MST/CR time
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/gkt-askx-sfj
Live video class with ancient teachings, immersive activities, and sharing with your peers
Access to class recordings in case you have to miss a week or would like to watch the replay
Program Structure:
Standard Package – 150 NaCo or $399
12 Weeks of 1-hour Weekly Group Teachings with Q&A on that week’s theme
2 private mentoring calls to dive deeper into your favorite topics
Private telegram support group
Receive custom-created PDF resources around our topics each week
VIP Package – 222 NaCo or $599
Standard package + Weekly 30-minute Private coaching calls
Come Wednesday, Sept 21st, 5pm to meet Wendy and her gifts, Learn what the Apprenticeship offers.
Register by Sept. 22nd at midnight by sending 150NaCo to
Paypal hello@madzucchini.com
Contact Wendy Crews:
Costa Rica +506 8915 2461