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Writer's picturePura Vida Connections


Thank you, each and all for your loving thoughts and prayers, and for holding Marguerite in your hearts for so long – and for all the donations that made it possible for her to leave this world in completion and at peace. There is no way to adequately express the difference you have made in her quality of life, and for all of us who have been her care-takers.

There now is a sufficiency of funds for all her final obligations, so no more is needed. God Bless you All!

A small gathering of mainly her immediate Tico family and friends of twenty to twenty-five attended the ceremony and burial. It was exactly as Marguerite wanted – it flowed in simplicity, with prayers and song, and in deep respect and love. A beautiful flower arrangement was brought by her devoted friends and supporters from the Mare Farmacia for her casket, and well as flowers that others brought. The ceremony and burial was held at her neighborhood cemetery between 9-9:30 am, in La Palma, about ten minutes outside of San Isidro Del General, Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica.

Since there was no embalming, her burial was required as soon as possible. Thus, everything happened too quickly to notify everyone – and so we will take time to remember Marguerite again tomorrow on Thanksgiving Day, at two gatherings of Ticos and Gringos. One is at RICAR2 restaurant on the Dominical Road at NOON, and the other is at BATSU GASTROPUB in Canaan at 6:00 PM. Plus, there will be one more opportunity at another gratitude event in the Chimmirol area on Saturday.

Special thanks to Momi and Popi, Hannia, Carmen and Sonja who have been her closest Tico family over the last nineteen years, and who have treated her as their own and cared for her throughout, with total devotion. And to Cindy and Rosie for the expert medical advice, loving care and translations to help me navigate the Costa Rican system, taking on huge loads yourselves, and to help me through the difficult phases of Marguerite's illness and passing. Thank you Rosie for being with her last night and for being the perfect bridge for her to Spirit.

Special thanks to the Chayotevine, for being the main contact person along with me for receiving and distributing donations for Marguerite. To Wilbur, her devoted and steadfast taxi driver who nearly daily was at her side, ready to shop for and bring all the food, medications and medical supplies and all else that she needed, like an occasional pizza — and for quickly returning the hospital bed and oxygen tanks and all back to the right places today.

And to Amy and Casey for being the loving, perfect translators who have such deep rapport and respect of the Costa Rican culture, and who so gently brought our team of care-givers together to brain-storm the solutions needed during the last phase of Marguerite's illness and passing.

I could not have accomplished one single thing without each and every one of you, at my side and with each other! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

And so now, we sigh in deep relief, in bittersweet sadness and joy, that our beloved Marguerite is Home and free at last!!! God bless us each and every one!!! <3 <3 <3

Sheri Cooke

011-506-8468-8937 cell

"Together We Claim our Oneness as All that is."


HELPING MARGUERITE TO BE PAIN FREE – THANK YOU WEEKLY DONORS!!! Your contributions are helping her now in her final transition!!! (see how to donate below) <3 <3 <3

UPDATE NOVEMBER 20TH: By the time you read this, Marguerite may have already crossed over. I've spent the last four days with her and many times she has gone to the other side and back. Each time I could clearly see that she was not “here” and conversing with others.

Just like the team of us here have been final arrangements so has the team over there been doing the same for her!!! Its so amazing to be able to see and know this!

Today's photo is of "Momi" and Marguerite. Momi is her Tica neighbor who took Marguerite in long ago as her own daughter. She is her main caregiver, the only one allowed to change her dressings every single day, to help her shower and dress, to set up what she needs for her day, and to return at night to feed her dogs and check in on her. Momi is my angel too and part of the 24 hour care team now!

The Palliative Doctor, Nurse, and Psychologist all arrived yesterday. I was there with Amy Shrift, and Hannia one of her Tica neighbors who has been cleaning every day and now part of the 24 hr care team. Amy has been a long standing friend of Marguerite's too, and an incredible supporter with ideas and translations that were crucial, like yesterday, in being able to understand and carry out the doctor's orders.

They gave her everything, seeing she could pass at any moment! She is getting a morphine pump this morning, oxygen tanks and a huge bag of bandaging supplies ere approved to be picked up from the hospital, as well as an inflatable air mattress to put between the metal frame and thin mattress of the hospital bed to ease the pain of her bedsores. They are adding a new medication to reduce the flem in her lungs and a humidifier to help her breathe more easily now. And now she has 24-hour care, which all donations now being received will cover. She stopped eating yesterday and now only wants ice chips.

I am at home right now and will return to her n a bit. There is just one more thing to complete for everything to be ready, and to send her off to the Light. I'll keep you posted for the funeral-memorial date/time. God bless you all, angels under my wings and hers, and really for each other always. I love you with all my heart! <3 <3 <3

IF YOU DONT KNOW HER, Marguerite is my dear friend. She is fifty-nine years old, and she lives alone in the rural, Southern Zone of Costa Rica, with her four rescue dogs who are her “kids”.

Unfortunately GoFundMe does not fund in Costa Rica where we live, so I am resorting to only using Facebook to get this message out. How to donate is listed at the bottom.

She has been living with metastasized cancer for over two years and has been preparing the last few months to transition in peace. Being unable to work for so long, she qualified for our local Palliative Home Care Program (a doctor and nurse visit her home about once a month), but it does not provide all the pain relievers and other medications she needs, nor can she cover her living or funeral expenses.

I am hoping to reach as many people as possible to raise the money she needs, and to augment our small local community who has been totally supporting her the last two years, but most of all -- to make sure her last days are stress and pain-free. Some weeks the donations have been insufficient, and we barely have enough for all her pain medications – our first priority – and postpone her other needs.

Even if you are not in a position to donate financially, can you help by sharing this on Facebook or whatever social network and other ways you like to share? Can you help me, help Marguerite?

Her life has not been easy. She became an alcoholic and used drugs for years, until she did the Twelve-Step Program. Its was up and down for years, and only through the grace of God has she been able to turn her life around. She has been clean and sober now for many years (well, except now she is on morphine and other pain relievers).

Once sober, she became a partner with another woman in a thriving business of selling organic products at local farmer's markets here in Costa Rica. Many of their products were organic vegetables grown and harvested from their own gardens, as well as organic products they distributed for growers throughout the region.

Eventually, the damage from her addiction caught up to her, putting her in bed for over a year with some kind of an immune disorder resulting in ulcerated sores over parts of her body -- which baffled the doctors. They gave her a multitude of medications hoping to find a successful treatment, but she only got worse.

Finally, she went off all the medications, relying only on a healthy diet, some supplements and natural herbs. She slowly recovered, yet being away from her business so long, it had turned over to other hands – and eventually ended.

Since then, she has been barely scraping by, living hand to mouth. She did some work in her home, or in the homes of her clients as a stylist, her former occupation before she moved to Costa Rica. And she continued to look for work wherever she could find it; until she had emergency surgery in March, 2017.

It was early in 2016, when Marguerite noticed a lump on her right breast. Not knowing what it was, and having lost confidence in the medical system from her former illness, she hoped it would just go away. But it didn't. It kept getting bigger. Plus, she noticed she was growing lumps under that arm. She was afraid, ashamed of her financial situation, and kept it a secret -- until March 2017, when her tumor burst at home in the middle of the night, resulting in an emergency mastectomy.

Since then, she has been living day by day, totally dependent on charitable donations, and for a while, we really thought she might recover. She was using many different alternative healing agents that are known to cure some cancers and at first, she actually looked younger and healthier than she had for a decade -- but in the last many months, her cancer has spread to every part of her body, with many other painful and challenging symptoms.

Unfortunately, the doctors and nurses cannot say how long she has, and there is a small team of us who volunteer our time to check her daily and assist with all her needs. Several times already, I thought her time was “at hand”, yet she is still hanging in there with new symptoms and more pain each week.

I am hoping that we receive enough donations to cover her living expenses, for hiring a hospice nurse or other professional help when needed, and finally, for minimal funeral costs.

WAYS TO HELP MARGUERITE - DONATIONS - in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR NON-LOCALS, THROUGH PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our Costa Rica weekly Chayotevine Newsletter - PayPal account,, which is also the newsletter link.

To donate: Go to first, then click on “Send Money”, the "send to" address is:, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”.

If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias):

***TUESDAYS at Tinamastes 8:30-10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim in the massage area)...OR... ***THURSDAYS in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30-Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR LOCALS WHO WANT TO VISIT, please contact Marguerite first to see if she's up for it that day. Call or Text after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958

Thank you with all our hearts for any donation and for sharing this with your friends – God Bless You!

HELPING MARGUERITE TO BE PAIN FREE – THANK YOU WEEKLY DONORS!!! We were able to meet all of her needs this week!!! (see how to donate below) <3 <3 <3

UPDATE NOVEMBER 12TH: The photos posted today are from yesterday, in Marguerite's home for her "last Birthday party", age 59. Words cannot adequately express the combination of beauty, love, generosity, affection, innocence and honesty that was given and received by every one who attended.

There was a feast of cakes, pies, cookies, fresh fruit, and other treats. Raven made an exquisite crown of fresh flowers for Marguerite to wear, as well as exquisite floral arrangements for our tables. Amy brought a bucket of earth's treasures and healing agents, some such as: herbs, sand, feathers and much more, along her delicious all natural, fermented juice alternative. Vyola wrote and sang a perfect and delightful song about Marguerite, accompanied with her drum and in a beat much like a kirtan, and with lyrics we could sing with her -- which were funny, inspiring and just plain joyous!!!

It was glorious how each of us in our own unique way is a perfect expression and vehicle of Love Itself, used in the exact ways that we naturally and best express our giving – and with Marguerite being the center of Love's focus yesterday, she allowed us to see and experience love being magnified over and over again as she so graciously accepted our gifts, just being herself in her most vulnerable, honest, raw, and transparent state. What a blessing we all are to each other!!!

We think her time is very short now...your giving made it possible for us to pay off her casket today...and, keeping her pain-free as her body is declining rapidly now is still our #1 goal. Thank you for your beautiful generosity and caring!


DONATIONS - in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR NON-LOCALS, THROUGH PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our Costa Rica weekly Chayotevine Newsletter - PayPal account,, which is also the newsletter link.

To donate: Go to first, then click on “Send Money”, the "send to" address is:, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me here.

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias):

***TUESDAYS at Tinamastes 8:30-10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim in the massage area)...OR... ***THURSDAYS in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30-Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR LOCALS WHO WANT TO VISIT, please contact Marguerite first to see if she's up for it that day. Call or Text after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958

Thank you with all our hearts for any donation and for sharing this with your friends – God Bless You!

HELPING MARGUERITE TO BE PAIN FREE – THANK YOU WEEKLY DONORS!!! We were short of meeting her financial needs last week by about one-third -- it happens from time to time, we still managed, and she remained calm. Trusting the flow and timing is a huge lesson! (see how to donate below) <3 <3 <3

UPDATE NOVEMBER 5TH: The photos posted today are from last Friday. This last week Marguerite was getting winded after being on her feet for a few minutes. Even with medication, the swelling in her legs and right arm is being only minimally reduced now, so the extra water weight is a burden to her heart and holding herself upright.

Still, as you can see yourself she is able to easily slip into bliss with a gentle touch, or simply focusing her mind on letting all her thoughts go while focusing on breathing to peace. She was told to take as much morphine as she wants until she “just doesn't care about anything” – but so far, she prefers to remain lucid and fully conscious of everything that's happening, and to manage all the details with her caregivers.

Next Sunday, November 11th is her 59th Birthday. If you'd like to drop her a wish, here is her email address: <Marguerite Beattie>

F YOU DONT KNOW HER, Marguerite is my dear friend. She is fifty-eight years old I, (her Birthday is coming up on Nov 11th) and she lives alone in the rural, Southern Zone of Costa Rica, with her four rescue dogs who are her “kids”.

Unfortunately GoFundMe does not fund in Costa Rica where we live, so I am resorting to only using Facebook to get this message out. How to donate is listed at the bottom.

She has been living with metastasized cancer for over two years and has been preparing the last few months to transition in peace. Being unable to work for so long, she qualified for our local Palliative Home Care Program (a doctor and nurse visit her home about once a month), but it does not provide all the pain relievers and other medications she needs, nor can she cover her living or funeral expenses.

I am hoping to reach as many people as possible to raise the money she needs, and to augment our small local community who has been totally supporting her the last two years, but most of all -- to make sure her last days are stress and pain-free. Some weeks the donations have been insufficient, and we barely have enough for all her pain medications – our first priority – and postpone her other needs.

Even if you are not in a position to donate financially, can you help by sharing this on Facebook or whatever social network and other ways you like to share? Can you help me, help Marguerite?

Her life has not been easy. She became an alcoholic and used drugs for years, until she did the Twelve-Step Program. Its was up and down for years, and only through the grace of God has she been able to turn her life around. She has been clean and sober now for many years (well, except now she is on morphine and other pain relievers).

Once sober, she became a partner with another woman in a thriving business of selling organic products at local farmer's markets here in Costa Rica. Many of their products were organic vegetables grown and harvested from their own gardens, as well as organic products they distributed for growers throughout the region.

Eventually, the damage from her addiction caught up to her, putting her in bed for over a year with some kind of an immune disorder resulting in ulcerated sores over parts of her body -- which baffled the doctors. They gave her a multitude of medications hoping to find a successful treatment, but she only got worse.

Finally, she went off all the medications, relying only on a healthy diet, some supplements and natural herbs. She slowly recovered, yet being away from her business so long, it had turned over to other hands – and eventually ended.

Since then, she has been barely scraping by, living hand to mouth. She did some work in her home, or in the homes of her clients as a stylist, her former occupation before she moved to Costa Rica. And she continued to look for work wherever she could find it; until she had emergency surgery in March, 2017.

It was early in 2016, when Marguerite noticed a lump on her right breast. Not knowing what it was, and having lost confidence in the medical system from her former illness, she hoped it would just go away. But it didn't. It kept getting bigger. Plus, she noticed she was growing lumps under that arm. She was afraid, ashamed of her financial situation, and kept it a secret -- until March 2017, when her tumor burst at home in the middle of the night, resulting in an emergency mastectomy.

Since then, she has been living day by day, totally dependent on charitable donations, and for a while, we really thought she might recover. She was using many different alternative healing agents that are known to cure some cancers and at first, she actually looked younger and healthier than she had for a decade -- but in the last many months, her cancer has spread to every part of her body, with many other painful and challenging symptoms.

Unfortunately, the doctors and nurses cannot say how long she has, and there is a small team of us who volunteer our time to check her daily and assist with all her needs. Several times already, I thought her time was “at hand”, yet she is still hanging in there with new symptoms and more pain each week.

I am hoping that we receive enough donations to cover her living expenses, for hiring a hospice nurse or other professional help when needed, and finally, for minimal funeral costs.

WAYS TO HELP MARGUERITE - DONATIONS - in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR NON-LOCALS, THROUGH PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our Costa Rica weekly Chayotevine Newsletter - PayPal account,, which is also the newsletter link.

To donate: Go to first, then click on “Send Money”, the "send to" address is:, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”.

If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias):

***TUESDAYS at Tinamastes 8:30-10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim in the massage area)...OR... ***THURSDAYS in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30-Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR LOCALS WHO WANT TO VISIT, please contact Marguerite first to see if she's up for it that day. Call or Text after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958

Thank you with all our hearts for any donation and for sharing this with your friends – God Bless You!

HELPING MARGUERITE TO BE PAIN FREE – THANK YOU WEEKLY DONORS!!! Sufficient donations came in last week to cover her expenses for the last two weeks. <3 <3 <3

UPDATE SINCE OCT 17TH: As we are working on getting her final documents and arrangements completed, Marguerite's body, energy and strength continues to decline – but her mind is clear and strong as ever, amazing!

She is still managing every detail and all of us who are assisting her and still determined to be independent for as long as she can be! And, she has a flow of neighbors and friends coming in at least a few hours a day to keep her company and take care of her needs – and her devoted taxi driver Wilbur and moto delivery guys who shop for her to bring whatever things she needs in the moment.

She can only be up on her feet for about five minutes now before needing to sit down. And, she is taking more morphine and other medications for the pain, and has started again on the medication that helped the most with relieving the great swelling in her legs and right arm.

When her legs get so heavy with water-weight, it really restricts her movement and wears her out. And the combinations of medication makes her nauseous, so she has to eat more before she takes them....and her appetite right now is actually quite good.

We have a new routine on Fridays, where I cook us a a hearty brunch. Its a joy to cook her anything she really wants and watch her thoroughly enjoy it, even though she can only eat a portion of it at a time.

And everyone who is able to visit is continually surprised and delighted at her sense of humor, her deep peace and surrender into what is unfolding moment by moment. She is an incredible gift for us to have with us, for as long as she is here! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU DON'T KNOW HER, Marguerite is my dear friend. She is fifty-eight years old I, (her Birthday is coming up on Nov 11th) and she lives alone in the rural, Southern Zone of Costa Rica, with her four rescue dogs who are her “kids”.

Unfortunately GoFundMe does not fund in Costa Rica where we live, so I am resorting to only using Facebook to get this message out. How to donate is listed at the bottom.

She has been living with metastasized cancer for over two years and has been preparing the last few months to transition in peace. Being unable to work for so long, she qualified for our local Palliative Home Care Program (a doctor and nurse visit her home about once a month), but it does not provide all the pain relievers and other medications she needs, nor can she cover her living or funeral expenses.

I am hoping to reach as many people as possible to raise the money she needs, and to augment our small local community who has been totally supporting her the last two years, but most of all -- to make sure her last days are stress and pain-free. Some weeks the donations have been insufficient, and we barely have enough for all her pain medications – our first priority – and postpone her other needs.

Even if you are not in a position to donate financially, can you help by sharing this on Facebook or whatever social network and other ways you like to share? Can you help me, help Marguerite?

Her life has not been easy. She became an alcoholic and used drugs for years, until she did the Twelve-Step Program. Its was up and down for years, and only through the grace of God has she been able to turn her life around. She has been clean and sober now for many years (well, except now she is on morphine and other pain relievers).

Once sober, she became a partner with another woman in a thriving business of selling organic products at local farmer's markets here in Costa Rica. Many of their products were organic vegetables grown and harvested from their own gardens, as well as organic products they distributed for growers throughout the region.

Eventually, the damage from her addiction caught up to her, putting her in bed for over a year with some kind of an immune disorder resulting in ulcerated sores over parts of her body -- which baffled the doctors. They gave her a multitude of medications hoping to find a successful treatment, but she only got worse.

Finally, she went off all the medications, relying only on a healthy diet, some supplements and natural herbs. She slowly recovered, yet being away from her business so long, it had turned over to other hands – and eventually ended.

Since then, she has been barely scraping by, living hand to mouth. She did some work in her home, or in the homes of her clients as a stylist, her former occupation before she moved to Costa Rica. And she continued to look for work wherever she could find it; until she had emergency surgery in March, 2017.

It was early in 2016, when Marguerite noticed a lump on her right breast. Not knowing what it was, and having lost confidence in the medical system from her former illness, she hoped it would just go away. But it didn't. It kept getting bigger. Plus, she noticed she was growing lumps under that arm. She was afraid, ashamed of her financial situation, and kept it a secret -- until March 2017, when her tumor burst at home in the middle of the night, resulting in an emergency mastectomy.

Since then, she has been living day by day, totally dependent on charitable donations, and for a while, we really thought she might recover. She was using many different alternative healing agents that are known to cure some cancers and at first, she actually looked younger and healthier than she had for a decade -- but in the last many months, her cancer has spread to every part of her body, with many other painful and challenging symptoms.

Unfortunately, the doctors and nurses cannot say how long she has, and there is a small team of us who volunteer our time to check her daily and assist with all her needs. Several times already, I thought her time was “at hand”, yet she is still hanging in there with new symptoms and more pain each week.

I am hoping that we receive enough donations to cover her living expenses, for hiring a hospice nurse or other professional help when needed, and finally, for minimal funeral costs.

WAYS TO HELP MARGUERITE - DONATIONS - in person OR through PayPal, per the following: FOR NON-LOCALS, THROUGH PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our Costa Rica weekly Chayotevine Newsletter - PayPal account,, which is also the newsletter link.

To donate: Go to first, then click on “Send Money”, the "send to" address is:, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”.

If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook. FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias): ***TUESDAYS at Tinamastes 8:30-10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim in the massage area)...OR... ***THURSDAYS in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30-Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements. FOR LOCALS WHO WANT TO VISIT, please contact Marguerite first to see if she's up for it that day. Call or Text after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958

Thank you with all our hearts for any donation and for sharing this with your friends – God Bless You!

HELPING MARGUERITE TO BE PAIN FREE – THANK YOU WEEKLY DONORS!!! Sufficient donations came in last week to cover her expenses for the week. <3 <3 <3

UPDATE FROM LAST POST: After their home visit on Oct 8, the Palliative Care doctor and nurse will come every two weeks instead of every month. Her pain is steadily increasing and her stamina is decreasing, though she still has limited mobility in her home, and full mental capacity. The only function of Palliative Care is to keep her as comfortable as possible from their list of approved medications and with whatever medical supplies she needs. And, they discussed what “to do” if she has an emergency. It was actually a bit comical because no one could define “emergency”, and really all they wanted to know was whether she'd be willing to go to the hospital if she had one, that is, if something happens that to her is an emergency....and she said she would. Today, there is a small group of us having a Celebration of Life with her, and to discuss and assign tasks for funeral arrangements, costs, etc.

IF YOU DON'T KNOW HER, Marguerite is my dear friend. She is fifty-eight years old and lives alone in the rural, Southern Zone of Costa Rica, with her four rescue dogs who are her “kids”.

Unfortunately GoFundMe does not fund in Costa Rica where we live, so I am resorting to only using Facebook to get this message out. How to donate is listed at the bottom.

She has been living with metastasized cancer for over two years and has been preparing the last few months to transition in peace. Being unable to work for so long, she qualified for our local Palliative Home Care Program (a doctor and nurse visit her home about once a month), but it does not provide all the pain relievers and other medications she needs, nor can she cover her living or funeral expenses.

I am hoping to reach as many people as possible to raise the money she needs, and to augment our small local community who has been totally supporting her the last two years, but most of all -- to make sure her last days are stress and pain-free. Some weeks the donations have been insufficient, and we barely have enough for all her pain medications – our first priority – and postpone her other needs.

Even if you are not in a position to donate financially, can you help by sharing this on Facebook or whatever social network and other ways you like to share? Can you help me, help Marguerite?

Her life has not been easy. She became an alcoholic and used drugs for years, until she did the Twelve-Step Program. Its was up and down for years, and only through the grace of God has she been able to turn her life around. She has been clean and sober now for many years (well, except now she is on morphine and other pain relievers).

Once sober, she became a partner with another woman in a thriving business of selling organic products at local farmer's markets here in Costa Rica. Many of their products were organic vegetables grown and harvested from their own gardens, as well as organic products they distributed for growers throughout the region.

Eventually, the damage from her addiction caught up to her, putting her in bed for over a year with some kind of an immune disorder resulting in ulcerated sores over parts of her body -- which baffled the doctors. They gave her a multitude of medications hoping to find a successful treatment, but she only got worse.

Finally, she went off all the medications, relying only on a healthy diet, some supplements and natural herbs. She slowly recovered, yet being away from her business so long, it had turned over to other hands – and eventually ended.

Since then, she has been barely scraping by, living hand to mouth. She did some work in her home, or in the homes of her clients as a stylist, her former occupation before she moved to Costa Rica. And she continued to look for work wherever she could find it; until she had emergency surgery in March, 2017.

It was early in 2016, when Marguerite noticed a lump on her right breast. Not knowing what it was, and having lost confidence in the medical system from her former illness, she hoped it would just go away. But it didn't. It kept getting bigger. Plus, she noticed she was growing lumps under that arm. She was afraid, ashamed of her financial situation, and kept it a secret -- until March 2017, when her tumor burst at home in the middle of the night, resulting in an emergency mastectomy.

Since then, she has been living day by day, totally dependent on charitable donations, and for a while, we really thought she might recover. She was using many different alternative healing agents that are known to cure some cancers and at first, she actually looked younger and healthier than she had for a decade -- but in the last many months, her cancer has spread to every part of her body, with many other painful and challenging symptoms.

Unfortunately, the doctors and nurses cannot say how long she has, and there is a small team of us who volunteer our time to check her daily and assist with all her needs. Several times already, I thought her time was “at hand”, yet she is still hanging in there with new symptoms and more pain each week.

I am hoping that we receive enough donations to cover her living expenses, for hiring a hospice nurse or other professional help when needed, and finally, for minimal funeral costs.

WAYS TO HELP MARGUERITE - DONATIONS - in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR NON-LOCALS, THROUGH PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our Costa Rica weekly Chayotevine Newsletter - PayPal account,, which is also the newsletter link.

To donate: Go to first, then click on “Send Money”, the "send to" address is:, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”.

If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias):

***TUESDAYS at Tinamastes 8:30-10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim in the massage area)...OR... ***THURSDAYS in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30-Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR LOCALS WHO WANT TO VISIT, please contact Marguerite first to see if she's up for it that day. Call or Text after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958

Thank you with all our hearts for any donation and for sharing this with your friends – God Bless You!

HELPING MARGUERITE TO BE PAIN FREE – THANK YOU WEEKLY DONORS!!! Sufficient donations came in last week to cover her expenses for the week. <3 <3 <3

UPDATE FROM LAST WEEK: The areas where the tumors are most concentrated are now so painful to touch that she is unable to apply gauze bandages and tape over them. Instead, she relies only on the special seaweed product that goes on first, a weave that helps prevent seepage applied directly on the area. Then buffered with a soft cloth under her camisole. She is still able to stand and walk in her own home, though she rests more and more. Next appt with Palliative Care is Mon, October 8.

IF YOU DON'T KNOW HER, Marguerite is my dear friend. She is fifty-eight years old and lives alone in the rural, Southern Zone of Costa Rica, with her four rescue dogs who are her “kids”.

Unfortunately GoFundMe does not fund in Costa Rica where we live, so I am resorting to only using Facebook to get this message out. How to donate is listed at the bottom.

She has been living with metastasized cancer for over two years and has been preparing the last few months to transition in peace. Being unable to work for so long, she qualified for our local Palliative Home Care Program (a doctor and nurse visit her home about once a month), but it does not provide all the pain relievers and other medications she needs, nor can she cover her living or funeral expenses.

I am hoping to reach as many people as possible to raise the money she needs, and to augment our small local community who has been totally supporting her the last two years, but most of all -- to make sure her last days are stress and pain-free. Some weeks the donations have been insufficient, and we barely have enough for all her pain medications – our first priority – and postpone her other needs.

Even if you are not in a position to donate financially, can you help by sharing this on Facebook or whatever social network and other ways you like to share? Can you help me, help Marguerite?

Her life has not been easy. She became an alcoholic and used drugs for years, until she did the Twelve-Step Program. Its was up and down for years, and only through the grace of God has she been able to turn her life around. She has been clean and sober now for many years (well, except now she is on morphine and other pain relievers).

Once sober, she became a partner with another woman in a thriving business of selling organic products at local farmer's markets here in Costa Rica. Many of their products were organic vegetables grown and harvested from their own gardens, as well as organic products they distributed for growers throughout the region.

Eventually, the damage from her addiction caught up to her, putting her in bed for over a year with some kind of an immune disorder resulting in ulcerated sores over parts of her body -- which baffled the doctors. They gave her a multitude of medications hoping to find a successful treatment, but she only got worse.

Finally, she went off all the medications, relying only on a healthy diet, some supplements and natural herbs. She slowly recovered, yet being away from her business so long, it had turned over to other hands – and eventually ended.

Since then, she has been barely scraping by, living hand to mouth. She did some work in her home, or in the homes of her clients as a stylist, her former occupation before she moved to Costa Rica. And she continued to look for work wherever she could find it; until she had emergency surgery in March, 2017.

It was early in 2016, when Marguerite noticed a lump on her right breast. Not knowing what it was, and having lost confidence in the medical system from her former illness, she hoped it would just go away. But it didn't. It kept getting bigger. Plus, she noticed she was growing lumps under that arm. She was afraid, ashamed of her financial situation, and kept it a secret -- until March 2017, when her tumor burst at home in the middle of the night, resulting in an emergency mastectomy.

Since then, she has been living day by day, totally dependent on charitable donations, and for a while, we really thought she might recover. She was using many different alternative healing agents that are known to cure some cancers and at first, she actually looked younger and healthier than she had for a decade -- but in the last many months, her cancer has spread to every part of her body, with many other painful and challenging symptoms.

Unfortunately, the doctors and nurses cannot say how long she has, and there is a small team of us who volunteer our time to check her daily and assist with all her needs. Several times already, I thought her time was “at hand”, yet she is still hanging in there with new symptoms and more pain each week.

I am hoping that we receive enough donations to cover her living expenses, for hiring a hospice nurse or other professional help when needed, and finally, for minimal funeral costs.

WAYS TO HELP MARGUERITE - DONATIONS - in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR NON-LOCALS, THROUGH PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our Costa Rica weekly Chayotevine Newsletter - PayPal account,, which is also the newsletter link.

To donate: Go to first, then click on “Send Money”, the "send to" address is:, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”.

If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias):

***TUESDAYS at Tinamastes 8:30-10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim in the massage area)...OR...

***THURSDAYS in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30-Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR LOCALS WHO WANT TO VISIT, please contact Marguerite first to see if she's up for it that day. Call or Text after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958

Thank you with all our hearts for any donation and for sharing this with your friends – God Bless You!


MARGUERITE'S PHYSICAL CONDITION CONTINUES TO SLOWLY DECLINE. The diuretic medication has been less effective at keeping the swelling down, particularly in her right arm and legs. The swelling is also causing more pressure and pain around her heart, as well as throughout her body. As a simple diuretic, the medication does not repair the real issue which is the weakening of the walls of her blood vessels which allows the lymph to escape out into her tissues.

THE NEWER TUMORS ARE NOW GROWING IN SIZE, while the initial ones are growing together, with new tumors continuing to appear. And for reasons we don't understand, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold her head up. Yet, her attitude remains steadfast on being grateful to all of you who are assisting her to be as safe and comfortable as possible, and able to stay in her own home. Please know that every dollar or mil helps cover something she needs, every single day.

Her next visit from the Palliative Care team is this coming Wednesday, September 5th.

SHE WAS GRATEFUL FOR LOTS OF VISITORS LAST WEEK. She really enjoys the company and catching up with what's going on with everyone. And we all are inspired by her fearlessness, and her living demonstration to us of what truly matters in life.


IF YOU ARE LOCAL AND WANT TO VISIT, please text her first to see if she's up for it that day. Call after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958 or email:

HOW TO MAKE DONATIONS - in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias):

***TUESDAYS at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim in the massage area)...OR...

***THURSDAYS in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR NON-LOCALS AND PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

Again, thank you with all our hearts! And God Bless You!!!


THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OUR WEEKLY DONORS!!! She needs your donations now more than ever and every donation helps – as well as those who can visit, send loving messages and keep her in your prayers. Thank you angels!

NEW TUMORS ARE SPREADING THROUGHOUT HER BODY, and pain continues to increase, especially in her chest. Staying on the diuretics is revealing how thin she actually is, along with muscle wasting. So while her overall attitude and emotional tone remain pretty stable, her body has changed a lot in the last three weeks.

ITS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO RAISE HER HEAD to even look at you. This symptom is from contracting muscles that are pulling her upper body downwards towards her feet. And today, she said pressure around her heart has returned (she had a small heart attack a few weeks ago) and breathing is becoming more difficult.

FOR THOSE WHO MAY NOT KNOW, she is no longer trying to fight the cancer, but to pass with dignity, safety and peace at home. She does have Palliative Care now where a doctor and nurse come to her home and write out prescriptions for pharmaceuticals that they cover, as well as bandaging materials. Then someone (or her amazing taxi driver) can go to the hospital Palliative Care office to pick them up and bring them to her.

AND SOME MEDICATIONS ARE NOT COVERED BY PALLIATIVE CARE. These include a sleeping aid she takes at night when needed, and of course the natural plant medicines that have been enormously helpful for reducing anxiety, depression, inflammation and pain, and have probably extended her life.



Please text her first to see if she's up for it that day. Call after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8058 or email:


Donations are being received two ways: in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias), Tuesdays at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim), or on Thursdays in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR NON-LOCALS AND PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

Again, thank you with all our hearts! And God Bless You!!!

P.S. The attached photo is from about a month ago, with Vyola Myst performing a Sound Frequency Healing combined with tones from her heavenly voice!


SINCE MY LAST POST, MARGUERITE'S CONDITION IS RELATIVELY STABLE. She is still able to stand and walk about her house for the few things she can do on her own, while her devoted helpers assist with showering and dressing, changing her dressings, giving her injections, cleaning her house and laundry, feeding her dogs, and more.

THE DIURETIC MEDICATION is keeping the swelling at a manageable level. It releases the fluids that escape from her weakened blood vessels, preventing the incredible amount of mass, weight and pain that had accumulated in her body before, stretching her skin and pressing on organs to dangerous levels. Also, the medication has prevented any new heart issues – she had a small heart attack a few weeks ago from the enormous strain on her heart.

NEW TUMORS CONTINUE TO APPEAR IN PREVIOUS AND NEW LOCATIONS OF HER BODY, but they don't seem to be growing in size, only in number. On his visit last week, the palliative care doctor was unable to answer any of her questions about the actual cancer status or what she could expect next. Can you imagine living in a state of not knowing what's next, what state your body is actually in, or how much longer you have to go through this? This is part of why she is so grateful for your financial support, visits and texts. They all help her remember that she is not really alone, and no matter what comes next, she will be safe. It may not seem like you're not making much difference but please know that you are making ALL THE DIFFERENCE for Marguerite!

SHE IS STILL HOPING to have enough energy to come to the San Isidro Feria for even a thirty minute window to see some of you, but so far, she hasn't been able to get it together that much, especially to navigate outside her home – yet, she so wishes she could tell you in person how grateful she is for you.

SO IF YOU ARE LOCAL AND WANT TO VISIT, please text her first to see if she's up for it that day. Call after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958 or email:

HOW TO MAKE DONATIONS: Donations are being received two ways: in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias), Tuesdays at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim), or on Thursdays in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR NON-LOCALS AND PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

Again, thank you with all our hearts! And God Bless You!!!


YOUR DONATIONS CONTINUE TO BE HER LIFE SUPPORT...AND...SHE CONTINUES TO SURPRISE US! In just a few days after the last post, she was already standing and walking on her own again, and with no supportive device! How did that happen?

HER SWELLING IS WAY DOWN! From the diuretic shots and pills, I'm guessing at least forty pounds of water is off, making her able to stand and walk again. At first for just a minute or two, and now she can get to her bathroom and kitchen. Plus, you can see and feel more life force radiating from her face and body. So, as long as she is careful and doesn't overdue, she is able to walk about her house for the things she needs.

MARGUERITE WAS SO DETERMINED THAT SHE WAS GOING TO WALK AGAIN that just after my last post two weeks ago, she had us postpone the home-helpers we had scheduled to start. We really thought “her time was at hand”, but like I say, she keeps surprising all of us! And still, the home care workers are all on call if/when she wants them.

IN THE MEANTIME, her current Tica family of devoted and tireless neighbors are continuing to provide daily help for some hours in the mornings, afternoons and evenings. And she knows that she can call on them at any time, and for anything at all.

MORE AMAZING NEWS! The Hospice/Triage Nurse here now from the States, made an appointment with the Palliative Care Department at our local hospital. I met her there and after continuing to ask the Doctor and all the nurses and administrators we were referred to, the same question, “what help can you offer to Marguerite?”

After three and a half hours, she was FINALLY ADMITTED into the Palliative Care Program!!! And, she's already had her first visit from a team consisting of a Doctor, a Nurse, and Psychologist, and three days later was delivered her first supply of medication and bandaging supplies. Future visits are scheduled at the end of each one; and so her next is scheduled for August 1st.

THIS MEANS THAT WITH YOUR DONATIONS SHE WILL BE ABLE to have home care and other other end-of-life costs as needed. She asks me every week to make sure you know how profoundly grateful and blessed she feels for your ongoing support.

SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS FANTASIZING on Thursday about “sneaking in” to the feria to surprise us all with a short visit, but she really is not able to get it together that much, or to navigate outside her home – yet, she so wished to see at least some of you in person to tell you how she feels.

SO IF YOU ARE LOCAL AND WANT TO VISIT, please text her first to see if she's up for it that day. Call after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958 or email:

HOW TO MAKE DONATIONS: Donations are being received two ways: in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias), Tuesdays at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim), or on Thursdays in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR NON-LOCALS AND PAYPAL, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

Again, thank you with all our hearts! And God Bless You!!!

MARN VISITED TWICE NOW BY A HOME DOCTOR.GUERITE HAS BEE..a young, brilliant, respectful and compassionate male doctor, from a new clinic right here in San Isidro. And who is knowledgeable and supportive of alternative, natural healing methods too. He is here to make her as comfortable as possible now. Your generous donations made it possible for her to have his care and for his follow up. He will be back this week.

BESIDES AN EXAMINATION, HAVING LAB TESTS DONE AT HOME, HE DID AN EKG. And found that she had a recent heart attack, perhaps at the time of her last fall. It is one of two problems she has now, one that the blood vessel walls in her body are so weak that the fluid is leaking out into the tissues, and two, that the heart is too weak to adequately pump it out. Her gave her a shot and a prescription for pills to eliminate much of the swelling, and she needs more protein to draw the fluids back into her blood vessels.

HER SWELLING IS DOWN MORE THAN HALF! She looks much better, and its much easier for her not to be carrying so much weight, but she is still extremely weak and fatigued. As of yesterday, Sunday, she could stand for a few moments with assistance or a walker, but she couldn't lift her legs to walk. She's hoping to be able to walk soon, so she can care for herself again. Time will tell.

*****Hey, I just called her...she WAS able to walk this morning, using the back of her white plastic lawn chair, she could walk slowly to get a shower from “Mami” her most devoted Tica caregiver!!!! Yeyyyy Marguerite!!!******

BEING HOPEFUL THAT SHE WAS GOING TO WALK AGAIN...Marguerite postponed the helpers for now, which we had scheduled to start last Monday. But, they are all on call if/when she wants them.

IN THE MEANTIME, her current Tica family of devoted and tireless neighbors are continuing to provide daily help for some hours in the mornings, afternoons and evenings. And, they keep assuring her that she can call at any time for anything at all. I love being part of their team whenever we're there at the same times.

THE PHOTOS HERE ARE FROM YESTERDAY. Our dear friend Vyola came to give Marguerite a sound healing session. In addition to the partial massage I gave her, you can see the deep relaxation she was receiving from the healing frequencies of the crystal bowl and Vyola's heavenly voice. Marguerite is surrounded with loving care givers, in person and through all of you helping financially or in other vital ways.

As always, the simple gifts from our hearts matter most.

IF YOU ARE LOCAL AND WANT TO VISIT, please text her first to see if she's up for it. She can only know day by day, and not a day sooner. Call after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958 or email:

HOW TO MAKE DONATIONS: Donations are being received two ways: in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

* FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias), Tuesdays at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim), or on Thursdays in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

* FOR PAYPAL and NON-LOCALS, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri Cooke here on Facebook.

Again, thank you with all our hearts! And God Bless You!!!

Sheri Cooke

Messenger of One

011-506-8468-8937 cell

Skype: shericooke, 408-600-0552

"Together We Claim our Oneness as All that is."


HELLO DEAR COMMUNITY! Marguerite's condition with metastasized cancer has escalated...

SHE FELL AGAIN WEDNESDAY NIGHT trying to let her dog out, and couldn't. Spent three hours scooting around her furniture trying to lift herself up and couldn't. Finally called a male neighbor who helped her up...she was not injured....just couldn't lift her weight. And she realizes that now, she is essentially immobile, unable to get up or down, unable to go to her bathroom or kitchen.

AND, UNFORTUNATELY THE DOCTOR DIDN'T SHOW who was scheduled and confirmed for a home visit last night. We don't know what happened and need to start again with that....want very much for help with monitoring her symptoms and medications, etc

SHE NOW NEEDS MORE HELP, and a couple of us are calling around to see what volunteer or paid help we can find from the Tica/Nica community....she needs help NOW. So, if you know anyone locally, please contact me. Someone is with her now, and a couple of us will be at her home this afternoon.

YOUR DONATIONS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER, and even to reach out to more folks who might be willing to help. ANY amount helps so much.

THE MAIN ISSUE continues to be this swelling throughout her body...causing incredible tension and pressure on her skin and tissues and causing pain all over – and the sheer weight of it has made it impossible for her to stand up, balance or move around now.

SHE IS EXTREMELY FATIGUED all the time. Yet, when she is awake she is as lucid as ever, full of gratitude and light – unless of course when in a lot of pain.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING FINANCIAL SUPPORT and your equally powerful caring, for every kind and compassionate thought, and all your prayers for her comfort.

IF YOU ARE LOCAL AND WANT TO VISIT, please text her first to see if she's up for it. She can only know day by day, and not a day sooner. Call after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958 or email:

HOW TO MAKE DONATIONS: Donations are once again being received in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

* FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke, at our local farmer's markets (ferias), Tuesdays at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim), or on Thursdays in San Isidro to me in person, AND at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

* FOR NON-LOCALS, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri here on Facebook.

Again, thank you with all our hearts! And God Bless You!!!

Thank You to All the Weekly Donors Helping Marguerite!

HELLO DEAR COMMUNITY! Here's this week's update from Sheri. And as always -- deepest gratitude to you and every one who is helping Marguerite each week! Here's a new photo of Marguerite taken last Friday in one of her new dresses – no more binding from shorts or slacks.

HELPING HER WALK: Marguerite's couch-bed is now lifted up high enough so she can get in and out much more easily. And now with a walking cane that has a four-pronged, rubber-tipped “foot”, she has more stability to get around her house.

THE MAIN ISSUE continues to be the swelling throughout her body. There is incredible tension and pressure on her skin and tissues which is causing additional pain – and the sheer weight of it makes it very difficult for her to stand up for very long or to navigate. SHE IS TAKING MORE PAIN MEDICATION now and has been sleeping more the last couple of days. And when she is awake she is as lucid as ever, full of gratitude and light – although when she has a lot of pain, she says (and which is only normal when any of us are in pain) she is “grouchy”. A HOME VISIT IS SCHEDULED with a doctor on the evening of June 28, and both myself and the triage nurse will be there as well. We are hoping the doctor can find solutions for her swelling, and overall can give her better pain relief. We want to make sure we are doing all we can for her.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT - even the smallest donation makes all the difference. Your continued financial support is essential – as is your powerful caring – thank you for every kind and compassionate thought, and for every prayer for comfort and healing!!!

IF YOU ARE LOCAL AND WANT TO VISIT, please text her first to see if she's up for it. She can only know day by day, and not a day sooner. Call after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958 or email:

DONATION REMINDERS: Donations are once again being received in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

* FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke at our local farmer's markets (ferias), Tuesdays at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim), or on Thursdays in San Isidro at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

* FOR NON-LOCALS, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri here on Facebook.

•Again, thank you with all our hearts! And God Bless You!!!

Thank You to All the Weekly Donors Helping Marguerite!

Hello Dear Community! Here's this week's update from Sheri. First and foremost – and always -- deepest thanks to everyone helping Marguerite every week!

GOOD NEWS! I am so relieved to report that I met with the hospice nurse (actually a triage nurse) who is back in Costa Rica, who contacted me online from seeing one of my posts. I met with her (and her wonderful husband) on Saturday and instantly felt a soul-connection with both of them – more angels!!! They followed me to Marguerite's home where the nurse also made a beautiful connection with Marguerite, and did an initial evaluation of Marguerite's condition.

The nurse was pleasantly surprised at how well Marguerite is doing, better than expected! And for me too, I hadn't seen the main tumors without the bandages for three couple of weeks – and what a difference! No longer bleeding or festering for about a month, they are pretty dry and “quiet”.

It seems the main issue right now is the swelling throughout her body causing a lot of pain, imbalance and fatigue – plus, the sheer weight from the swelling is making it more and more difficult for her to stand up and navigate. She had to be assisted each time she stood up Saturday, and even for me, it was challenging to lift her.

And, from her exam, Marguerite's liver does NOT seem to be the source of the swelling...there is no mass or pain when in that area. So, if there is anyone out there skilled and available to do lymph-drainage massage to reduce the swelling, that would be very welcome.

In addition to the doctor of geriatrics who said she would do a house call after June 26, the nurse is also looking for another doctor to come to the house sooner, to do another exam and to review her pain medications for better relief. She suggested in the meantime, that Marguerite could safely take double injections to have more pain relief, and that of course means more to buy. But we expected this.

Marguerite can no longer wear slacks or shorts that are binding, so, slip-over, loose, sleeveless and knee-length summer dresses are best to wear now (its hot and humid where she lives). Donations in say a size 12, would be welcome.

And, with only one arm mostly functional, that adds to the difficulty. So, the nurse suggested a four-pronged cane for now, and maybe a walker later to help.

We are in agreement to take things a day at a time, with options already in mind that may need to be put in place at some point. Staying in daily communication is key.

So, continued thank you's for even the smallest donation which makes all the difference. Your continued financial support is essential – as is your simple caring. Thank you for every single kind and compassionate thought, and for every prayer for comfort and healing!!!

If you are local and would like to visit, please text her first to see if she's up for it. She can only know day by day, and not a day sooner. Call after 10 am – WhatsApp 7123-8958 or email:

DONATION REMINDER: Donations are once again being received in person OR through PayPal, per the following:

FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke at our local farmer's markets (ferias), Tuesdays at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim), or on Thursdays in San Isidro at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements.

FOR NON-LOCALS, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri here on Facebook. Again, thank you with all our hearts! And God Bless You!!!

Hi everyone. This is Sheri posting for Marguerite. Its been a nearly three weeks since we posted last, and we are thrilled to report that Marguerite has been able to purchase all the pain medication and bandaging supplies, antibiotic creams and prescriptions that she needs. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And...after weeks of nearly daily bleeding from her tumors, suddenly the bleeding has stopped. We're not sure, but perhaps this is from adding the new antibiotics that prevents infection. And, while she is definitely weaker than before and has developed new tumors, she has regained enough strength to enjoy visitors. Painful lymphoderma (swelling of her limbs) is a new issue affecting her ability to stand for long or to walk up any steps. The swelling started as slight and intermittent and has now become extreme swelling of her legs, ankles, feet, and in her right arm and hand. A small group of local women are coming to visit and keep her stocked in prepared soups and salads and a few other items she likes to eat—and memory sticks of good movies to watch, inspiring talks, guided meditations, and heavenly music! She still eats only about a cup of food, about once a day. But the visits with friends are giving her that special nourishment that comes through loving support and just being ourselves. She is so grateful to laugh when we share and catch up with what's going on in our lives – we are all inspired by her and each other! If you'd like to come visit, please text her first at WhatsApp 7123-8958 or email: I thank God for all of you helping through this fund – there are no words sufficient to express our eternal gratitude for all of you! DONATION REMINDER: the YouCaring fund was bought out by GoFundMe, which unfortunately does not fund in Costa Rica. So while we can still POST through this funding source until June, the FUNDING PORTION is DE-ACTIVATED. So now, donations are once again being received in person OR through PayPal, per the following: FOR LOCALS, you can still make donations in person to me, Sheri Cooke at our local farmer's markets (ferias), Tuesdays at Tinamastes 8:30 am – 10:30 am (or give it to Tessa or Tim), or on Thursdays in San Isidro at the Colibri “International Corner” booth, from 7:30 am – Noon...or contact me here on FB to make other arrangements. FOR NON-LOCALS, you can make a donation through our weekly international Chayotevine Newsletter PayPal account: Simply click on “Send Money”, then select “Gift”, and add a Note: “Donation for Marguerite Beattie”. If you have any questions please Personal Message Sheri here on Facebook. Again, thank you with all our hearts! God Bless You!!!

Is There a Donor Who Can Take On the Weekly Cost of the Pain Meds and Bandaging Supplies I need until The End?

I need Donors Who Can Cover the Weekly Cost of the Pain Meds and Bandaging Supplies I need until The End

Hi everyone. Its been a few weeks since we've posted, yet my need remains and as expected, has increased.

Today, we are researching information about what to expect as “the end of this body's life” seems to be inching closer.

AND THE REALLY GOOD NEWS IS that in between all the little emergencies and inconveniences, I am finding deeper and deeper peace within myself and with what really matters. I am clear for the first time in my life that I am really, truly loved. I can SEE for the first time in my life how beautiful we all are, especially in our giving and receiving.

And, there are signs that the body is continually getting weaker. I am more sensitive and tire more easily around outer stimuli, new tumors keep showing up, with existing ones bleeding more often and longer. I am never pain-free anymore and the intensity of the pain keeps increasing. I don't sleep much at night for fear of bleeding through my bandages and clothes, and onto the bedding.

I tried to get into our hospital Palliative Program here in Costa Rica, but I was not accepted. And, its quite a thing to find myself in this place. I thank God for a circle of devoted friends and neighbors, who are doing all they can to help, as well as those of you helping through this fund – there are no words sufficient to express my eternal gratitude for all of you!

I am clear that it is my own life choices that brought me where I am today.

I have a lot of time to review what drives these choices and their outcomes since I found out I have cancer. Its been two years now, and a year already since the emergency mastectomy -- after which, the doctors said they had nothing else to offer but chemo and radiation.

Yes, I could have done that, but it was already metastasized – so those invasive procedures could not have improved my chances for life. I chose instead to avoid that misery and I tried to heal the cancer naturally. That hasn't worked, but my quality of life has improved radically. It gave me the time and space to realize a new relationship with myself, a personal experience and relationship with God. And, I am enjoying more authenticity and intimacy with everyone else. So, I don't regret that choice. manage the pain, I can get prescriptions to purchase morphine shots and pills, pain pills, and sleeping aids from the pharmacy. My local friends and funders so far have given all they can, and I know some are postponing other things they want in in order to help me. The amount right now is about $300 a week, and as the pain increases so will the amount of meds and the cost. How long? I really wish I one can tell me. God only knows.

And finally, (from Sheri alone): For as long as Marguerite is still with us, we are blessed with the opportunity to see what she gives us. Does she push some buttons? Are we tempted to judge or criticize her – or, our self? Are there fears or past failures of our own mirrored in her? What are we learning about what is truly helpful, caring, or loving? Where do we stand with death and our own story from the choices we have made? And, what are we learning about what we want when it is our time? I witness how she is discovering her fundamental innocence and worthiness to be loved, cared for, and cherished – I wish this for each and every one of us! Thank you with all our hearts for caring!!!

Sheri Cooke

Messenger of One

011-506-8468-8937 cell

Skype: shericooke, 408-600-0552

"Together We Claim our Oneness with All that is."

Hi all, This is especially for those who do not have Facebook and don't get these weekly messages.

I have to say that this is the worst condition I have seen Marguerite in yet, after all these months since her surgery. Her defenses in every way are down, the scariest thoughts and feelings are now invading her consciousness, and she is trying mightily to stay present and calm, but in her weakened condition, she is finding her light and peace harder to find. Its up and down, but the last few days she has been more down. And this always happens when money runs out. This is one of those times, and they seem to be increasing.

Please help in any way that you can. Like a mil or two, or a visit (she is very lonely and sometimes scared even tho she tries to stay positive). She does NOT want cooked or prepared food. She is hardly eating again. She does need dog food, a kilo of dog bones from the butcher is 500 colones, a bag of menudos under 2 mil. She loves getting flash drives with uplifting movies that she can plug into the donated TV she received. A foot massage or neck rub would be good, brushing her hair, sweeping her floor (she can't do that anymore), let er give you a tarot card reading if she's up to it (she loves it and she's good!), or just sitting outside on her porch and sharing about anything.

And thank your for all that you have ALREADY done and given her! She is very aware of how busy we all are and how tight it is for most of us. She really hates having to ask all the time for help! Yet, she needs help now more than ever. I don't think its going to be long now...?

I love you all. God bless us, each and every one! And so it IS!!!

The newest post to her YOU CARING Fund is below that gets posted on Facebook almost every week. Just click here...

Hello everyone, this is Marguerite speaking today. Wow as I sit down to write this, I am overcome with an intense sense of thankfulness and gratitude for you and all the others who are helping me through my journey with cancer.

Because of you, I am able to feel empowered and to stay positive even through the challenging and difficult parts of the process I am in. Your kindness and generosity are helping me to stretch my faith, trust and hope every day. And, I can't find any words to describe the opening or void in my heart that has been filled with the love I have experienced from you all.

And, I have been blessed with an incredible, miraculous, amazing, and beautiful angel Sheri Cooke. Without her I would not have been able to keep my dignity and to move through this last year with love and determination. Sheri I love you so.

For now, I am still responsible for the hospital bill and will hopefully be accepted in the hospice care at home. The head of Palliative Care, Dr. Jessica is a beautiful soul and I am so grateful for her, and that she accepts my choice to use a non-traditional, plant-based protocol as my self-administered treatment.

My health like all that I am and have, is primarily monitored by me, with Dr. Jessica, Sheri and you as my loving witnesses -- one day at a time!

I truly pray for each and everyone to have beautiful and peace-filled holidays.

And thank you for your donation today and in the future. You can make a donation to me through the fund Sheri started for me -, at this link: or, through PayPal as a gift at: with a note saying, "for Marguerite".

Merry Christmas,


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