"And the turtles, of course ... all the turtles are free, as turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be." Dr. Seuss
This Friday welcomes the Autumnal Equinox of 2017 ... and we welcome all newcomers & long standing Chayotevine Community friends!
Please all advertisers for anything on the website .. please let us know if anything needs updating!
If you miss any Chayotevine's .. check our Blog on the website.
Here is a new Youcaring Link for Marguerite that our Sheri Cooke created ... please help when you can. Appreciated more than you will ever know.
Want to go on a fun shopping trip to Guatemala? Check events page for details ... sounds like a blast!
This weekend will be a lovely dance & Qigong event at Solfeggio Retreat Sanctuary
Great news from Amy ... we were the first!
To date 16 municipalities have passed the law to ban the use of agrochemicals in public spaces! We are working on a small information booklet to explain why we shouldn't use them and the benefits and necessity of organic, agroecological agriculture. To purchase laminated signs with graphics that state "Territory free of agrochemicals in public spaces of Perez Zeledon" please inquire at pzsano@gmail.com. These signs can be posted in your car, bus stops, schools, pulperias, parks, roadsides, etc. Prices are at cost: 800 colones for a full page and 400 colones for half page-proceeds will be used to print/laminate additional signs.
YOU PAY ELECTRICITY. EMAIL doctorwalter123@gmail.com
Housesitting Opportunity Offered on Beautiful Organic Farm near San Vito.
House and animals looking for some one who will take care of them while there family away from November 23 to march 4. Live in organic farm in San Vito area. Have solar hot water, spring water, deck for yoga/ ti chi/ chi Cong. Good for non smoking couple/ single/couple+1. Ofer.mishaeli@gmail.com 84110314
BACKHOE EXCAVATION SERVICES – Sebastian is offering excavation services (primarily) to the Rivas side of San Isidro. Introductory sale price of 15,000 Colones/hr + something for transport depending on circumstances. All jobs big and small, 4X4 full size construction backhoe, excavations, building sites, dig and fill, roads, ditches, agricultural terraces, land clearing, stump removal, hauling and lifting, automobile rescue/wrecker service, etc.. Serving Rivas, Miravalles, La Bonita, Canaan, Pueblo nuevo, General Viejo, etc. ENGLISH SPOKEN, Permaculture certified, agro-ecologist, organic producer, soil conservation specialist etc... Also offer welding (GREENHOUSES!), chainsaws, and field rototilling. Thanks! Sebastian: 8407-0394, sebastian.culbreth@gmail.com
We will be offering Bone Broth soon. Let us know if you interested ... incredible benefits!
Now available Flax & Toasted Sesame Seed Oils ... excellent quality!
Worm compost with Efficient Microorganisms from EARTH University. Contains the photo tropic stock rhodopseudomonas palustris (eliminates toxins from the soil and reverts pathogenous bacterias) therefore helping to eliminate flies and mosquitoes. Over one year of curing ¢5,000 for a 100 kg bag Delivered to San Isidro area for a minimum of 20 bags Contact Chema: 8387-8229 or write to chemarga@gmail.com
2yr old 2 bedroom home on fenced acre Chimirol de Rivas. Fully furnished "Bamboo Tico" furniture, granite counters, hardwood cabinets, running hot water, laundry/storage room with new washer. Gated, very private property has 500' Rio Chirripo river frontage; 25 meters from local bus stop & paved road. Garden space, fruit trees, old trapiche out building. Available now until January 1st (possibly longer) $500. Includes utilities Inquires: joey4wildlife@yahoo.com. Tel # 8418-3967 Beautiful & comfy & priced right, Casa Tranquilo in lovely location is now for sale. Click here for photos and information. Beautiful remodeled “tica casa” located in San Francisco de Rivas, Perez Zeledon, 15 km from San Isidro Del General. This home has 2BR/1BA, open kitchen/dining/living room and inside laundry room. Master bedroom has a large dry walk in closet. Insulated new ceiling, new lighting and wiring, new interior walls throughout, new outside sidings. One will enjoy the beautiful garden overlooking the Rio Chirripo Pacifico from the large covered porch. Plenty of covered storage. For rent $470/month plus utilities, or for Sale for $90,000. Call Walter at 506-8489-5280 or Michelle at 506-8719-9373.See rental page for photos
We have natural loofahs .. with seeds!
"Stuff for Sale" ... more on Stuff page
Large safe
New top of the line Flexi 26 ft. Big Dog Leash ... never used. 25,000 colones leash@puravidaconnections.com
Commercial Dryer
Flexi 16 ft, Small dog leash ... never used ... 18,000 colones
DeWalt 20-Volt Lithium-Ion Drill $165.00
Never worn Docker's Men's Hicking Boots size 8.5 that I would sell for $30.00 Phone: 8733-7659; sandyhieb48@live.com
Used Wellhouse generator in good shape ... needs some work but could serve you well for several years. $300 8733-7659; sandyhieb48@live.com
Port wireless shower speaker with built in Microphone Bluetooth. ONLY 2 left $18
Gear Pro Sports camera for Car, Bike or Motorcycle.
Shower Mate Waterproof Bluetooth Shower Speaker ONLY one left $18
Computer Bag. Holds computers up to 17 inches.Computer Bag. Holds computers up to 17 inches.
Dell Inspiron 15" Laptop 3521
Used Pentair products to sell, Suitable for Swimming pools, Spas & Hot tubs
Hermetic Barrels
Uunused hardshell colorful, zippered sunglass or reading glass cases. At the PZ feria
HP W2207 22-inch Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor – in good condition
Toshiba Laptop
Fans fans@puravidaconnections.com
Trek mountain bike
Insignia brand universal laptop power cord and tips. Brand new. Works for a variety of laptops (various tips). $45
Kala brand - high quality, unique 6 string ukelele. "Kala 6 tenor, gloss mahogany ". Soft case and capo included! Retail (ukelele) $325, asking $145
suzuki GN 125 F very reliable bike, like new
Check out their new Courtyard. visit Urban Farm restaurant in town for their delicious breakfast & lunch menus. They are also adding new dishes and have a beautiful consciousness with their food. Happy to have this week: Nutritional Yeast, Grapeseed Extract, Fluoride Free Toothpastes, Blackberry Cobbler, Nag Champa Incense, dental floss ... great repellents ... Sacha Inchi Seeds ... . Also red & red/white quinoa ... delicious protein substitute for rice!
Happy to have this week: Nutritional Yeast, Grapeseed Extract, Fluoride Free Toothpastes, Blackberry Cobbler, Nag Champa Incense, dental floss ... great repellents ... Sacha Inchi Seeds ... . Also red & red/white quinoa ... delicious protein substitute for rice.
Blackberry Vinaigrette ... super on salads & more!
Asian take away salads (will be back next week ... pre-orders appreciated)
Organic Medjool dates (will be back soon)
Organic Eggs
Nutritional Yeast
Delicious Dates!
Organic Extra Virgen Olive Oil
Organic Kalamata Black Olives
Organic Lemon & Peppermint Extracts
Organic Yuca Flour & Banana Flour & Corn Flour
Tea Tree Oils
Organic Turmeric Extract
Patchouli Oil
Clove Oil
Sauerkraut is one of the best foods for your tummy ... we are so fortunate to have Rosita's Organic Kraut ... so delicious & great for your digestion and general health.
The shitake mushrooms are extraordinary and quite magical .. click here to read about their many benefits.
Moringa: One Of The World’s Most Abundant Sources of Vitamins And Minerals We are fortunate to have local, organic Moringa here in our area now ... I've been learning more about it's benefits and the amazing energy the seeds and leaves give ... and the healing qualities of the Oil. Trees also available ... all @ Colibri's Corner
Come enjoy a sticky yummy Cinnamon Roll made with real butter!
We have mangosteen "matas" & anona matas or baby trees at Colibri's Corner. If you want larger quantities .. let me know.trees@puravidaconnections.com
At Colibri's Corner this week:
Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract
Turmeric Extract & Roots & Capsules
Organic Coconut Aminos ...Traditional
Fresh Trout / Smoked Trout
Sacha Inchi Nuts
Palo Santo
Hombre Grande
Mariola Honey ... excellent for eye & ear infections
Hot & Sweet Mustard
Organic Vanilla Beans
All Organic Corn Chips ... yellow
Raw Honey
Local Organic White Rice
Organic Teas
Stevia in Powder & Liquid
Organic Dried Mangos / Bananas
Coconut Secret Amino Acids This sap is very low glycemic, an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.
Organic Sauerkraut
Vegan Pesto & Vegan Raw Cookies
We also have now:
Becca's Amazing Hot Hot Sauces
Crunchy Spirulina
Peppermint Oil
Lavender Oil
Clove Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Organic sauerkraut
Goat cheeses
Swiss Cheese
Mozzarelli Cheese
Fresh & Smoked Trout
Nutritional Yeast
Diatomaceous Earth
Epsom Salts
Moringa Seeds & Leaves
Organic Black Strap Molasses
International Phone Cards
Cactus Juice & other Natural Bug Repellents
Sticky, Yummy Dates
Costa Rican Macadamias
Integral Oats
For anyone with pain from spots injuries, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatic, please check this link. We are very fortunate to have this high quality Magnesium Oil now available. Also works great as an all natural deodorant!
International Phone Cards available for major savings. phonecard@puravidaconnections.com
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all