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Writer's picture: Pura Vida ConnectionsPura Vida Connections

First, many are asking if this is the Marguerite who does hair? Yes, it is. And as a recap for those just finding out, Marguerite is dealing with progressive breast cancer. She is at home, treating it with natural alternatives, and is now unable to continuing working and needs community support.

This post is part of a continuing effort for us to provide the help she needs as she goes through this process, and what could be her final transition...or perhaps, even a miraculous recovery.

Marguerite wants to especially express her deepest gratitude for all of you who have responded, by giving donations, for your personal phone calls and texts, for your prayers and caring thoughts, and all the other ways you are assisting. THANK YOU!

As you might imagine where she finds herself right now, it is very tempting to feel guilty, unworthy and ashamed for needing this kind of help – especially in light of her past need for so many years, and from so many of us. This is indeed a time of resolution for her in many ways. And, I think all of us, whenever its our turn to be in this spot, have to go through a personal accounting, face and reconcile whatever unworthiness remains in the recesses of our memory and belief system – and to be able to receive help and support with grace. At times like this, what stands out most is our sameness at the core of our being, and thus, the incredible gift we all are for each other!


Donations have covered ALL her living expenses, medicines, medical supplies for last week, this week, and next. THANK YOU!

Thank you Sheelah and Linda Smith for offering to bring some prepared meals. Great, as she's really not up to cooking and has very little appetite or motivation to eat, unless its “ready to go”.

Thank you Linda Bass for taking on making sure her cell phone is pre-payed.

I'm bringing her fresh organic food from Tinamastes on Tuesdays, and visit when I deliver them, as well as on Thursdays from the San Isidro feria.

Potent, cancer-killing and pain relieving natural remedies are being donated, along with consulting calls and sessions from local healers Zahrah, Raven, and Diane Britzke. THANK YOU!

The “Home” Doctor she messaged and wants to see will be available again after Semana Santa – hopefully she'll take Marguerite on and a medical professional will visit every day to change her dressings and make sure she's safe.


Is there an animal lover out there? She doesn't need it yet, but I'm on the look out for someone who would like to take charge of SHOPPING for her pets' food at the Central Market. She has a cadre of dogs and cats that really are her “kids”. She's not ready to part with them, and DOES have people who will take them, if and when its time.

She can only have short visits as she gets tired quickly, please call first. 8605-1335

A short phone call is always helpful to just let her know you're thinking of her.

Also just to check in and see if she needs anything right now. If its not anything you can do, contact me, Sheri: 8796-4758


GoFundMe which DOES offer personal medical funding, unfortunately is NOT available in Costa Rica. But you can make donations by:

Cash to me (Sheri Cooke) at either the Tinamastes or San Isidro ferias or to Colibri's Corner at athe PZ feria.

Paypal at: with a note that its for Marguerite.

Direct Deposit to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758

Again, Marguerite's number: 8605-1335, my number, Sheri: 8796-4758

Thank you! God Bless you! I love you!!!

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