This rare closeup of a Scarlet Macaw was taken by our friends at Happy Coconuts ... check out their blog and what they have to say about our magnificent Southern Zone. More amazing Macaw photos there!
Welcome to several new subscribers ... and long time readers too. Once again, there is so much going on here in our beloved Southern Zone of Costa Rica.
Please check out our Events page for activities of all kinds. So happy to welcome back the wonderful folks from Cantando la Vida ... a love & songfest happening
this weekend at Finca Amrta in Pedregoso. For girls & women of all ages .. we are hosting our 11th Annual Women's Spring Solstice gathering there in March ... details
on our Events page.
This Friday the 10th will bring us a Full Moon, a Comet & a lunar eclipse ... visible here hopefully from about 4:30pm til 9pm ... click here for more details.
We loved this short video with fabulous wildlife shot Costa Rica Amazing Wildlife.
Donating your body to medical science in Costa Rica (see more information on our Events page)
Following two previous successful donor events, more members of our expat community have expressed the wish to donate their body to medical science in Costa Rica.
One again, staff of the University of Costa Rica are willing to come to San Isidro to enable potential donors to complete the paperwork and avoid the journey to San Jose. The visit will take place on Thursday 23rd of February.
If you would like to make this ultimate tribute to the wonderful country of Costa Rica, please contact Sheelagh Richards at casaceltas@gmail.com. for further information
Another service to the expat community hosted by the Perez Zeledon International Women’s Club
Zahrah has written a lovely article of her healing journey ... check out Surviving in the Tropics Naturally here.
Another great resource for learning Spanish (which I highly recommend we all do!) is this Word of the Day from Transparent.com. You can sign up here.
Dagmar Reinhard has been publishing this gorgeous and informative and multilingual magazine for several years now ... and now it is online too. She definitely
has helped put class & Costa Ballena on the map! Click here to read the current issue of Ballena Tales. Thank you Dagmar.
We have available the ground leaves, seeds (ground & whole), extract and oil at Colibri's Corner.
Long term housesitter needed for a quiet, remote organic farm in San Vito area. Stay in a simple but comfortable open style house, responsibilities are caring for chickens, one dog, and two small greenhouses, communicati0n with owner and supervise worker.
Minimum 6 months commitment desired, references, own transportation, and Spanish speaking preferred. Contact roni at ronicher@gmail.com.
New listing (still working on photos & details) ... rare find. 50 hectares (123ish acres) with great views, pasture land, small house & corral, subdividable, 4 wheel drive access. Around $7500/hectare. Close to town. Write vistas@puravidaconnections.com.
Moving Away Sale! Selling clothes, shoes, kitchen items, stuffed animals, books, shelves and more. Stop by my booth at the feria this Thursday or Friday from 7:00am on. Look for the big bunch of colored balloons towards the front on the parking lot side ... or ask at Colibri's Corner. Great prices on gently used items. For more information call Kayla at 8312-4979. Please call me for a Lawn Maintenance Estimate. Your option: You can pay by contract or 3,000 colones per hour per person. What can you expect from my Lawn Maintenance Service. You can expect Dependability, Honesty, Thoroughness, Confidence that I will do all in my power to do the job Right and to your satisfaction. I am totally and completely legal to work in Costa Rica. Give me a call and let's talk. Victor Silva Costa Rica Mountain Zone Lawn Maintenance Give us a Call or drop us a line for an estimate. victor.silva21@gmail.com Cell - CR (506)-8433-1813 / 8767-5092 Home- CR (506)-2770-9139 I am a member of the Ojochal Community Food Bank and Ojochal Family Resource Centre Board of Directors. We have a local woman, who sews amazing... by Hand! The Ojochal Family Resource Centre would like to get her a sewing machine, so that she can make a living for herself, and be independent. Hence, we are looking for a donated or inexpensive, but strong machine for her. If you can assist us with this … please contact us at ojochalfoodbank@gmail.com Rita Lucas 8641-8699 livinginsunshine.rita@gmail.com
Oregano Oil is a powerful antibiotic ... and doesn't harm your immune system. Read more about it here.
Website and Digital Services
A website is often the first touch point for many potential clients. I offer website and digital services for those in need of a new site or updates and maintenance to a current site. Zion's new site is now live for an example of my work www.zionparagliding.com Services offered: New website development Website updates Content Management Content and copy writing - content optimisation Air BnB copy writing Page descriptions and titles (for Google SEO) User experience and interface best practice advice Google analytics Google SEO basics Terms and conditions of website use Whatsapp +44 78219 34921 OR call 8599-7128 Email bsildigital@gmail.com
For Friends of Joanna Becker ... as you probably know, Joanna passed away last year and her friend Arlie is bringing her ashes to San Isidro and will be having an memorial event on February 11th or 12th. Please contact Mark at rpzrpzrpz@gmail.com for more information. This wonderful woman was "Joanna Native Trees" and graciously shared trees with many throughout the years. She is deeply missed.
House Sitter needed, May 1 '17 - July 31 '17
Looking for responsible, mature, non smoking couple to house sit our beautiful one bedroom, 1 1/2 bath two level home overlooking the pacific. Home is situated on 1/2 acre 360' above sea level with nice cool afternoon breezes. Less than one mile from the ocean with the sound of the waves gently putting you to sleep at night. Toucans, Parrots, Monkeys, a nature lovers paradise. No animals to care for and not a lot of duties... water plants and keep the place clean. Pay own electric and wireless Internet service.
Contact: papabucko@yahoo.com
looking for two dog shipping crates, airline approved, for two dogs each ~ 45#
Thank you ~elena sacredgatekeepers@msn.com
Room for rent,Guadalupe de Rivas, $10 night, Wendy 8915 2461 or wendycrews@gmail.com
Personal Chef,vegetarian, vegan, raw, your place or mine, 8915 2461 or wendycrews@gmail.com
Spanish Classes beginner,travel, conversational, English Classes beginner, intermediate, advanced, Guadalupe de Rivas,2mil($4) hour, Wendy Crews 8915 2461 or wendycrews@gmail.com
Wonderful new home for sale .. close to town ... click here.
Rave reviews on our super rico Sweet & Spicy Asian Hot Sauce ... great for just about anything (stir fries / salad dressing / marinade / eggs). Come by for a taster.
Very happy to have amazing, organic turmeric available in many forms ... now also in easy to take capsules! We also have the root and powdered forms.
Happy to offer now Coconut Aminos, large & small, and Teriyaki or Garlic. Healthy & delicious!
We are now offering beautiful BeesWax Candles ... a more ecological alternative ... locally made
Turkey Tail Extract can be magical ... please click here to read of all the benefits. We are so fortunate to have a good supply at this time.
Stop by to sample our Vegan Flaxers, truly delicious and satisfying and come enjoy a Sampler with our amazing Ginger Kombucha.
New "Stuff for Sale" ... more on Stuff page
1/2" tubing for hot water 5,000 tube@puravidaconnections.com
Calphalon pans ... great quality & value
used laptop battery: NEW (in box, up graded/larger capacity) battery for Toshiba Satellite Mod. #C855-S5107 laptop. Will fit many more models, I have list if interested. Paid $32 SELL for $15US. John Brooks <papabucko@yahoo.com>
Nespresso Expresso Foaming machine ... nespresso@puravidaconnections.com
Electro-acupuncture device .. no needles
Never used gas water heater ... heater@puravidaconnections.com
..... and much much more!
Visit KapiBlu and enjoy cold & hot drinks that are amazing ... great meals & comfy atmosphere too.
Remember to visit Urban Farm restaurant in town for their delicious breakfast & lunch menus. They are also adding new dishes and have a beautiful consciousness with their food.
Happy to have this week de Blackberry Cobbler, Nag Champa Incense, dental floss ... great repellent ... Sacha Inchi Seeds ... organic tobacco. Also red & red/white quinoa ... delicious protein substitute for rice.
Blackberry Vinaigrette ... super on salads & more!
Delicious Dates!
Organic Extra Virgen Olive Oil
Kalamata Black Olives
Organic Macadamia Flour
Organic Lemon & Peppermint Extracts
Organic Yuca Flour
Tea Tree Oils
Organic Turmeric Extract
Organic Shea Butter
Patchouli Oil
Clove Oil
Sauerkraut is one of the best foods for your tummy ... we are so fortunate to have Rosita's Organic Kraut ... so delicious & great for your digestion and general health.
The shitake mushrooms are extraordinary and quite magical .. click here to read about their many benefits.
Grass feed, beef bones, 5 dollars a pound. I can deliver to Tinmastes or PZ Thursday market. lindapanek@gmail.com
Moringa: One Of The World’s Most Abundant Sources of Vitamins And Minerals We are fortunate to have local, organic Moringa here in our area now ... I've been learning more about it's benefits and the amazing energy the seeds and leaves give ... and the healing qualities of the Oil. Trees also available ... all @ Colibri's Corner
Come enjoy a sticky yummy Cinnamon Roll made with real butter!
We have mangosteen "matas" or baby trees at Colibri's Corner. If you want larger quantities .. let me know.trees@puravidaconnections.com
At Colibri's Corner this week:
Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract
Turmeric Extract & Roots & Capsules
Organic Coconut Aminos ...Traditional
Mango or Papaya Salsas, spicy & delicious by Rosita
Fresh Trout / Smoked Trout
Sacha Inchi Nuts
Palo Santo
Hombre Grande
All natural organic tobacco
Mariola Honey ... excellent for eye & ear infections
Hot & Sweet Mustard
Organic Vanilla Beans
All Organic Corn Chips ... yellow
Raw Honey
Fresh Salsa
Local Organic Beans & Rice (Integral & White)
Organic Teas
Stevia in Powder & Liquid
Organic Dried Pineapple / Mangos / Bananas
Coconut Secret Amino Acids This sap is very low glycemic, an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.
Organic Sauerkraut
Vegan Pesto & Vegan Raw Cookies
Sourdough Bread
Becca's Amazing Hot Hot Sauces
We also have now:
Manuka honey
Organic Alfalfa Seeds
Crunchy Spirulina
Salt shaker grinders
Peppermint Oil
Lavender Oil
Clove Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Organic sauerkraut
Goat cheeses
Swiss Cheese
Mozzarelli Cheese
Fresh & Smoked Trout
Nutritional Yeast
Diatomaceous Earth
Epsom Salts
Moringa Seeds & Leaves
Organic Black Strap Molasses
International Phone Cards
Cactus Juice & other Natural Bug Repellents
Sticky, Yummy Dates
Costa Rican Macadamias
Integral Oats
For anyone with pain from spots injuries, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatic, please check this link. We are very fortunate to have this high quality Magnesium Oil now available. Also works great as an all natural deodorant!
International Phone Cards available for major savings. phonecard@puravidaconnections.com
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all