Susan Shrake Towsley took this amazing photo at the Secret Garden
in San Gerardo de Rivas this week
It's been wonderful seeing new faces & return faces ... so many dancing with joy to be here with our warmth, wind, and peaceful ways & motivations.
Couple of reminders: We love egg cartons with tops (and please try our all organic farm eggs we put in them) and we accept all glass bottles & jars (don't need to be clean). Gratefully accepted at Colibri's Corner.
Have small amount of Mugwort & Irish Moss too. Also just got in small supply of Nutritional Yeast & Fluoride Free Toothpastes and Liquid Stevia! Ate most of them so bought some more Greek Black Olives ... so delicious. Also have organic cold pressed Greek Olive Oil now!
Sheer beauty in our Summertime Southern Zone of Costa Rica
Here's a loverly video and article about it ... “Costa Rica Elevated”: An Exuberant and Magical View of Pura Vida
National Geographic did an article on our local baby sloths .. see it here.
Photos: Corcovado is like ‘Jungle Book’ without tigers and bears . and in our back yard here in the Southern Zone.
Hard to believe .. 15,000 motorcyclists are expected here in PZ in February ... article here in Spanish.
Caja expands: Caja Costarricense de Seguridad (Caja) has approved the opening of 304 clinics, which will focus on cardiovascular care and mental health. This means more small local clinics available and in our neighborhoods.
Learn to swim at Polideportivo this Summer .. see article in Spanish here
For those who enjoy meat ... we are very fortunate to have a new Lamb producer here .. and their booth is just 3 down from Colibri's Corner. They eat pasto (grass) and are well cared for. Dr. Adrian from Corral del Sol is a partner and you pick some up there, too. Call Juan Carlos at 8708-9000 or 8921-0889 to make an order or for questions. D' Mi Granja.
Tiffany & family are having a moving sale at the Rum Bar ... Saturday & Sunday ... 1 to 4 ... check Events page for more information.
Restorative body awareness and conditioning Yoga classes Thursdays 6.45 - 7.45am at Nautilus Holistic Gym Whatsapp 83420250 for info and directions
️"To be healthy, joyful and full of energy is the natural state of human beings. But we are barely getting up in the morning and need stimulants, we have no energy anymore and we have ailments that we believe are normal to have. Who explains us that our diseases come from our lifestyle and more especially from our diet? That our endless depression comes from our weak glandular system and that is possible to fix with medicinal herbs we have in the backyard and eating huge amounts of minerals in food? That our overweight is only toxins wrapped in fat and diluted in water in view to protect our body, and that if we don't get rid of toxicity, the overweight will always come back? Health is much simpler than we were told. The body is a high technology mechanics that is able to repair itself when we don't interfere with non physiological food and habits. A physiological diet is a very powerful tool to get ones health back on track. Nobody will do it for you, only you can do it. And I am here to show you how to do it. "
Alexandra Prokoudine hygienist practitioner.
Speaks English, French and Spanish.
Facebook page in Spanish: La salud en tus manos Regenera!
Email: rawgeneration21@gmail.com
House Sitting Position San Isidro Area Close to Finca Amrta in the Pedrogosito area starting Feb. 15th or 17th to approx. April 15th or so The home of Noe Anderschadt with shared dog feeding responsibilities contact Bill 8725-1399 or 2100-1844 or Bill Van Horn via pm on FB On bus lines and ten minutes from town
Room for rent,Guadalupe de Rivas, $10 night, Wendy 8915 2461 or wendycrews@gmail.com
Personal Chef,vegetarian, vegan, raw, your place or mine, 8915 2461 or wendycrews@gmail.com
Spanish Classes beginner,travel, conversational, English Classes beginner, intermediate, advanced, Guadalupe de Rivas, 2mil($4) hour, Wendy Crews 8915 2461 or wendycrews@gmail.com
House for rent or barter: 2 bedroom Tico house in San Juan de Dios, Guabo Valley, for rent or barter. Beds; one double, one bunk bed, some furniture. Nice quiet community, 5 km. down into the valley from Platanillo. Internet and cell phone service available. Alarm system. Nice neighbors. Ground available for market gardening. Cell service at my house right now is intermittent, email is therefore better. 8368-6050 albiescott420@gmail.com
"Mo (short for moose) is a three year old Australian Blue Heeler/Cattle Dog, and we have had him since birth (we have his mother). He is a big boy, extremely loving and well mannered, an excellent watchdog, neutered and in excellent health and he absolutely loves to swim. We must find him a good home as it seems like the good ole USofA is pulling us back, sigh. He gets along well with the girl dogs, don't know about the boys, but his needs are someone with a lot of love to give, as he is sensitive to strangers. All we are asking in trade, other than a good home, is the cost of his recent veterinary update of a week ago - vacunas, etc., c40,000. Please call me @85412373 or write to sacredgatekeepers@msn.com for any more info. Thank you - please help us find a good home for Mo! See photos on Furry Friends page
Eat for Life is a recipe book unlike no other. It shares the lifestyle and culinary successes that have graced Farm of Life's raw vegan retreats and have empowered guests to thrive in a raw food lifestyle. You will love these tantalizing, delicious and high-energy recipes. Easy, clean and simple, they are healing and accessible for everyone. Available through us or at Colibri's Corner in the San Isidro / Perez Zeledon feria.
Here is a review of it:
“Brian and Jody have created sheer beauty at Farm of Life, and their Eat for Life raw food cuisine book is a perfect window into the magic of the place. The recipes are as bright and full of life as they are. I expect that after you get to know them through the food they nourish their guests with you too will happily want to join the Farm of Life Family.”
~ Dan Engle, MD, Medical Director of the Rejuvenation and Performance Institute in Sedona, Arizona
Jody and Brian Calvi, Farm of Life, Costa Rica
The Vacation for the Healthy Lifestyle and Natural Healing Center
Join our Journey:
I am looking for a nice place, house, TV , for month of Feb....( a little flexible) ... budget in the $600 range. Single, retired non-smoking, teacher....may not have a car. Jim Henley globalclas@aol.com
Looking for house to rent- preferably a one story 4 bedroom house or a one story 3 bedroom + cabina with outdoor space for dogs. Would consider anywhere in greater San Isidro area. Seeking a long term lease.Please contact Mark 8718-6061 msirotkin@russellandryan.com or Kathleen 8913-4926 kmmss1@gmail.com
New listing with 2 houses in lovely Quebradas. Click here.
Wonderful new home for sale .. close to town ... click here.
Rave reviews on our super rico Sweet & Spicy Asian Hot Sauce ... great for just about anything (stir fries / salad dressing / marinade / eggs). Come by for a taster.
Very happy to have amazing, organic turmeric available in many forms ... now also in easy to take capsules! We also have the root and powdered forms.
Happy to offer now Coconut Aminos, large & small, and Teriyaki or Garlic. Healthy & delicious!
We are now offering beautiful BeesWax Candles ... a more ecological alternative ... locally made.
Turkey Tail Extract can be magical ... please click here to read of all the benefits. We are so fortunate to have a good supply at this time.
Stop by to sample our Vegan Flaxers, truly delicious and satisfying and come enjoy a Sampler with our amazing Ginger Kombucha.
New "Stuff for Sale" ... more on Stuff page
EarthStar Meditation Bench -- Handmade with Love
Powerful On-Demand Electric Water Heater
HP Pavillion p6210f. 640 GB 7200 RPM hard drive. 6gb ram. Legal Win 10 upgrade. CD/DVD. Card Reader. 10/10 condition. AMD Athlon quad core 100,000 no keyboard/monitor/mouse 7166-2733 or alt11john@gmail.com
1/2" tubing for hot water 5,000 tube@puravidaconnections.com
8 liter new water / juice dispenser dispenser@puravidaconnections.com
Kapi Blu has become a favorite hangout for coffees, meals and music. Now open on Sundays, too, come enjoy their drinks & food.
Remember to visit Urban Farm restaurant in town for their delicious breakfast & lunch menus. They are also adding new dishes and have a beautiful consciousness with their food.
Happy to have this week de Blackberry Cobbler, Nag Champa Incense, dental floss ... great repellent ... Sacha Inchi Seeds ... organic tobacco. Also red & red/white quinoa ... delicious protein substitute for rice.
Blackberry Vinaigrette ... super on salads & more!
Delicious Dates!
Organic Extra Virgen Olive Oil
Kalamata Black Olives
Organic Macadamia Flour
Organic Lemon & Peppermint Extracts
Organic Yuca Flour
Tea Tree Oils
Organic Turmeric Extract
Organic Shea Butter
Patchouli Oil
Clove Oil
Sauerkraut is one of the best foods for your tummy ... we are so fortunate to have Rosita's Organic Kraut ... so delicious & great for your digestion and general health.
The shitake mushrooms are extraordinary and quite magical .. click here to read about their many benefits.
Grass feed, beef bones, 5 dollars a pound. I can deliver to Tinmastes or PZ Thursday market. lindapanek@gmail.com
Moringa: One Of The World’s Most Abundant Sources of Vitamins And Minerals We are fortunate to have local, organic Moringa here in our area now ... I've been learning more about it's benefits and the amazing energy the seeds and leaves give ... and the healing qualities of the Oil. Trees also available ... all @ Colibri's Corner
Come enjoy a sticky yummy Cinnamon Roll made with real butter!
We have mangosteen "matas" or baby trees at Colibri's Corner. If you want larger quantities .. let me know.trees@puravidaconnections.com
At Colibri's Corner this week:
Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract
Turmeric Extract & Roots & Capsules
Organic Coconut Aminos ...Traditional
Mango or Papaya Salsas, spicy & delicious by Rosita
Fresh Trout / Smoked Trout
Sacha Inchi Nuts
Palo Santo
Hombre Grande
All natural organic tobacco
Mariola Honey ... excellent for eye & ear infections
Hot & Sweet Mustard
Organic Vanilla Beans
All Organic Corn Chips ... yellow
Raw Honey
Fresh Salsa
Local Organic Beans & Rice (Integral & White)
Organic Teas
Stevia in Powder & Liquid
Organic Dried Pineapple / Mangos / Bananas
Coconut Secret Amino Acids This sap is very low glycemic, an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.
Organic Sauerkraut
Vegan Pesto & Vegan Raw Cookies
Sourdough Bread
Becca's Amazing Hot Hot Sauces
We also have now:
Manuka honey
Organic Alfalfa Seeds
Crunchy Spirulina
Salt shaker grinders
Peppermint Oil
Lavender Oil
Clove Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Organic sauerkraut
Goat cheeses
Swiss Cheese
Mozzarelli Cheese
Fresh & Smoked Trout
Nutritional Yeast
Diatomaceous Earth
Epsom Salts
Moringa Seeds & Leaves
Organic Black Strap Molasses
International Phone Cards
Cactus Juice & other Natural Bug Repellents
Sticky, Yummy Dates
Costa Rican Macadamias
Integral Oats
For anyone with pain from spots injuries, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatic, please check this link. We are very fortunate to have this high quality Magnesium Oil now available. Also works great as an all natural deodorant!
International Phone Cards available for major savings. phonecard@puravidaconnections.com
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all