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AsTrology with Marguerite

Writer's picture: Pura Vida ConnectionsPura Vida Connections

Astrology, Sabian symbol, and Tarot


week of Oct. 19- Oct. 26

Hey everybody, how has the full moon treated you this week?

We are looking at another big week, the shift is on. We have distinct choices to make.

On Wed. the 19th we have Mars and Pluto in conjunction this energetic is sharp, intense, incisive, and efficient. We can upgrade our focus and clarity if we take the time.

On the down side these energies can bubble over causing tempers to flare, frustration and power games.

I haven't really put much attention on the Presidential election in my report, but if you are going to watch the last debate, it promises to be very reality show crazy.

On Saturday the Sun in Scorpio will gather with Mars and Pluto and the gloves are coming off!

If anyone would like a look at the Presidential race next week please let me know at or here

Same place as Paypal, if you would like to make a donation, thank you so much. I am very grateful.

Many still see real change as a threat to the status quo. And the energies show if you stay in this "status quo' it will make you miserable in the long run. 'The times they are changin" special congrat's to Bob Dylan on his Nobel prize for literature.

Recrimination,and blame have no place in this new paradigm.

Venus moves into Sagittarius , where she is much more fun and chill then she was in Scorpio although not as passionate.

Sun will move to Scorpio on Oct.22, with Mercury joining Oct 24.

Speak out and tell your truth, receive and act on your intuitive flashes.

Serve your tribe!

Is there a new step you can take to increase your overall abundance?

Will you please yourself or try to fit in?

Thursday through Sunday please stay so calm, paint, play in nature, dance, play and listen to music, write, may be a good idea to unplug!

Pluto will also help us to sweep out anything and anyone that is not on your wavelength.

The Sabian symbol this week have Mars and Pluto discharging " school grounds filled with boy's and girl's in gymnasium suits"

Do you think people can play with each other nicely?

Jupiter is discharging" a man watches his ideals take concrete form"

We can make the changes and bring to form that which we really want.

We are still on the" magic carpet ride" how is it going for you?



Aries- Page of Pentacles- and Ten of Cups- It is time to start the project or relationship, it will bring you great joy! Be at cause not at effect.

Taurus- Four of Wands- Life is not all work and no play, is it? Go out and have some fun! Truth time.

Gemini- Death and Queen of Swords- Transformation, the death of the ego. Maybe a woman will help you, remove the bad bananas!

Cancer- Three of Cups- This is a great omen in regards to work and money. Remember the universe is un-limted abundance. You are the sky, everything else is weather.

Leo- Ten of Swords and The Sun- Something is coming to light this week and there is a sweetness to it. Keep your focus on yourself.

Virgo- Strength and the Hermit- You have what it takes to go a little deeper. Spending some solo time in nature or meditation. This will give you clarity.

Libra- Nine of Swords- Thank goodness you still have Jupiter working for you. You must take action. Now is not the time to sit on the fence " mean business "

Scorpio- Ace of Wands- now is a good time to start something new. things are likely to be looking better.

Sagittarius- Two of Cups- Is it time for a commitment, and to what? Consider your finance's this week, "high stakes"

Capricorn- Queen of Wands- This queen brings you luck and good energy. Go for that idea you have been sitting on. Give me the money honey!

Aquarius- Page of Wands and The Chariot- Stay focused, you need to use both your mind and heart in all decisions. Channel that nuclear energy!

Pisces- The World- First off don't carry all this, look for completion.

Don't stop now, the Sun is coming out again.

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