This exquisite photo, taken from the hills of Quebradas is by Jack Obayda.
We publish it with gratitude and awe for what he captured here.
So happy to be back in PZ after a few days in gridlock San Jose. We are very fortunate to live here and not there ...
Appreciate all who continue to update any listing they have on our site ...
Experience Costa Rica’s “Pura Vida” in Under 3 Minutes Meet your garden's new best friend: baking soda by our own Ed Bernhardt Fuel prices dropped
Happy, Healthy, And Stress-Free In Costa Rica’s Southern Zone by the very talented, David Bohn published in International Living
25 Beautiful Places in the World to Find Peace of Mind with congratulations to the powerful people at Cloudbridge for creating this peace of paradise.
Soon we will be carrying high quality Turkey Tail Extract. To get acquainted with the multitude of benefits, please take look at these links:
Large Tabacón plant of 1.5 meter for sale. If interested, please call Mario (only Spanish). Phone 87776 0838
In PARADISO DE CAJON, on paved road, total of 8 bedrooms, 7 baths, 4 kitchen, 1000 fruit trees, 100 palms, 100 ft pines, internal waterfalls, 2 ponds, unique setting, etc. 15 miles south of san isidro contact doctorwalter123@gmail.com for info www.lifestylepsychotherapy.com www.worldheartrevolution.com
Hi from the U.S. where I'm still living because I can't figure out how to make this work. I have Type 1 diabetes which means I use insulin and a pump. The supplies are expensive, about $200 a month WITH my insurance and more than $500 a month without. I checked into Caja, but they only offer a treatment plan that hasn't been used in the U.S. in more than 20 years; i.e., one needle per day and one dose of time-release insulin. This is a brutal way to live so I definitely want to keep my pump, my fast-acting insulin, glucose meter, strips, and lancets. I need insurance to afford it. Since this is a pre-existing condition, I can't use the national health insurance in CR either. My choice is Medicare and a supplemental Medicare Advantage plan. But wait! Medicare won't pay for services provided outside of the U.S., Guam, or Puerto Rica. My supplemental policy might cover me but even if they do, it seems that I will have to submit a bill to Medicare, wait for rejection, resubmit it to Medicare Advantage carrier, and wait for them to decide IF they will pay since Medicare won't. Between the translations, mail issues, waiting, getting a decision, and money out of pocket, it feels like an insurmountable hurdle.
So my question is this: are there any US expats living in CR who have to use their Medicare and/or supplemental insurance? If so, how is it done? I considered using an address in the U.S. and having my stuff shipped to me but there are issues with that also (Medicare fraud, customs, heat during shipment, etc.) Can anybody shed some light on this topic? I would so appreciate it.
Vikki Riggle <riggadeaux@bellsouth.net>
Happy to have this week both black & red organic beans now ... also Nag Champa Incense, various fluoride free toothpastes ... great repellent ... Sacha Inchi Seeds ... organic tobacco ... Raw Goat Cheese with herbs and Raw Goat Cheese Mozzarelli.
We will have Casey & Sebastian's wonderful organic bok choy & mixed greens this week ... so delicious! Visit us at Colibri's Corner in front of the supermarket.
The shitake mushrooms are extraordinarily delicious!
Here are a few of available items on our Great Stuff to Buy & Sell page ...
High-Quality health supplements... many of these are excellent for balancing moods, emotional well being, focus and concentration, brain health, detoxification, and more. (see "Stuff" page for details
Mountain Bike
Yamaha E343 electric keyboard .. nearly new
Baby /Toddler bed/All wood
Black, work/rain boots. Size 5 women's/ teen
Vibram Water Shoes for Men
Nespresso Milk Foaming Machine
Grass feed, beef bones, 5 dollars a pound. I can deliver on Thursday market. lindapanek@gmail.com
Moringa: One Of The World’s Most Abundant Sources of Vitamins And Minerals We are fortunate to have local, organic Moringa here in our area now ... I've been learning more about it's benefits and the amazing energy the seeds and leaves give ... and the healing qualities of the Oil. Trees also available ... all @ Colibri's Corner
Come enjoy a sticky yummy Cinnamon Roll made with real butter!
We have mangosteen and moringa "matas" or baby trees at Colibri's Corner. If you want larger quantities .. let me know.trees@puravidaconnections.com
At Colibri's Corner this week:
Organic Coconut Flour
Organic Coconut Aminos ... Garlic & Traditional
Mango or Papaya Salsas, spicy & delicious by Rosita
Fresh Trout / Smoked Trout
Sacha Inchi Nuts
Palo Santo
Hombre Grande
All natural organic tobacco
Mariola Honey ... excellent for eye & ear infections
Hot & Sweet Mustard
Costa Rican Organic Vanilla Beans
All Organic Corn Chips ... purple or yellow
Raw Honey
Fresh Salsa
Local Organic Beans & Rice (Integral & White)
Organic Teas
Stevia in Powder & Liquid
Organic Dried Pineapple / Mangos / Bananas
Coconut Secret Amino Acids This sap is very low glycemic, an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.
Organic Sauerkraut
Vegan Pesto & Vegan Raw Cookies
Sourdough Bread
Becca's Amazing Hot Hot Sauces
Organic Pure Grade A Maple Syrup
Organic Vanilla Beans
We also have now:
Manuka honey
Organic Alfalfa Seeds
Crunchy Spirulina
Salt shaker grinders
Frankinsence Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Organic sauerkraut
Goat cheeses
Swiss Cheese
Mozzarelli Cheese
Fresh & Smoked Trout
Nutritional Yeast
Diatomaceous Earth
Epson Salts
Lavender Oil
Moringa Seeds & Leaves
Organic Black Strap Molasses
International Phone Cards
Cactus Juice & other Natural Bug Repellents
Sticky, Yummy Dates
Costa Rican Macadamias
Integral Oats
For anyone with pain from spots injuries, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatic, please check this link. We are very fortunate to have this high quality Magnesium Oil now available. Also works great as an all natural deodorant!
International Phone Cards available for major savings. phonecard@puravidaconnections.com
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all