Great news to share about the missing young woman mentioned last week here ... happily to report she is safe & sound and she and her family are grateful for all those concerned.
Want to welcome a new Restaurant in downtown San Isidro and wish them the best of luck:
Urban Farm Cafe:
We offer healthy and affordable menu that futures, salads, wraps, sandwich, smoothies, vegan and vegetarian dishes.
We are trying to incorporate a lot of organic and locally grown fruit and vegetables into our dishes.
We are also available for special events and will be happy to work on a special menu to meet the requirements of a large group.
If there is any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at this email or call me at the following numbers
2771-2442 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Cell 6034-4334 any time.
Thank you,
Laura Zuñiga Acuña
Reminder about the upcoming Women's Equinox Gathering ... 20% discount if paid by Thursday, March 5th . You're welcome to bring it by the feria and leave it with us.
Noe will be offering fresh, young lamb soon. To find out more and place pre-orders, please call him at 2770-1576.
Have a limited amount of Organic Vanilla Extract ... and delicious Organic Corn Tortillas and Gluten Free and Otherwise Delicious Breads.
We've added some beautiful listings both on rentals and properties for sale ... so please check them out if you are in the market. A reminder too, that getting your ads in by Tuesday 10am really helps us get this Vine out in a timely manner ... we still receive several submissions much later than that. Pre-orders are so appreciated ... and help with the flow of everything ... the earlier the better and thanks for all. Remember too that we have International Calling Cards ... way cheaper than ICE long distance.