Mirror Mirror by MamaSheriSunshine
Welcome New Readers & Pura Vida Blessings to All!
It's exciting seeing lots of new people of all ages finding our beloved Southern Zone! Feeling like the prediction of continual rain til the first of the year could be true!
The PZ / San Isidro Feria will be keeping regular hours during the upcoming Holiday Season ... our Colibri's Corner will be open this week from 7 am til 6pm on Thursday and from 10am til 1 on Friday. Hope to see you there! We love recycling any glass bottles (3/4 liter wine bottles with caps are the best!) as well as covered egg cartons for our Organic Eggs. We also have great stocking stuffers & artistic purses & bags.
Atlas Frost Free Fridge/Freezer=$200,
LG 7.0 kg TurboDrum Washer=$200,
All in good working order.
bdoherty@hotmail.com 84292536
I’m needing to move back to the states; and I have a few un open items:
Himalayan Salt 8 lbs $30.00
Bentonite Clay Powder 1lb $20.00
Zinc Oxide Powder 1lb $12.00
Citric Acid 2lb $12.00
Flax Seed 1lb $11.00
Debbie Clardy
Cozy, 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with awesome views in the La Bonita / Miravalles area .. less than 15 minutes from town. Covered garage and outbuildings .. lovely large covered porch. $200 month ... renters pay power & water. irejo1982@hotmail.com
Check Rental page for photos of this lovely 2 bedroom / 2 bath custom home in La Bonita with Guest Suite.
Vacation rental, lovely, simply furnished, well kept studio in private wooded section of East Los Angeles de Rivas. Kitchen, flush toilet, electric hot water shower, deck, fantastic view of Chirripo Mountains and West Los Angelas, private swimming hole on Tilari River. Fifteen minute walk to busy bus line to San Isidro. $285/month firm plus electric. Best to all. For more information contact Bill at: vanhornwm@aol.com
Anyone have Pejibaye seeds for planting, with sanitary certificate? Pe777x@yahoo.com
Anyone coming from States who can bring really small package of an art supply (just one ounce) for Owl & Sheya? sheyagracewind@gmail.com
Some of you may not know you can get extra insurance if you pay for your Marcharmo at INS. I bought coverage for accident, medical expenses and death coverage for an additional ₡.64,000. Thanks to Sharron Kai Harper for this info.
New friends here are offering Organic Meats .. even have Turkeys that are free range & organic and fed with coconut, bananas, and cane. Pork too! Write here for contact: organicmeat@puravidaconnections.com.
Great new product we are carrying now at Colibri's Corner!
Add a little spice to your Life. “ Rico”
Rico’s Rub and Seasoning Blend and Rico’s Vegetable seasoning.
Rico’s Rub and Seasoning Blend is an all purpose spice blend similar to seasoning salt. It is great for BBQ. Just sprinkle a little on the meat and add your favorite BBQ sauce. It makes the best BBQ wings ever. Use it just like a good salt. A little bit goes a long way. It’s also great with ground beef. Two teaspoons in a kilo of hamburger, mixed well with a little bit of Worchestershire and you have the best burger ever. With 11 different fresh and hard to find spices it’s easy to use and great.
Rico’s Rub was developed from a recipe originating at the Lucerne Cooking School in Switzerland. Passed down from chef to chef, it is old world European Sensibility adapted for today’s cuisine.
Rico’s Vegetable Seasoning Blend was developed for the vegetable lovers as a primary vegetable seasoning. A little more aromatic and less spicy than the original rub, it has 13 different spices to form a great blend. Just sprinkle a little on your favorite dish before cooking. It is also great with seafood. Just use it as you would season with salt and pepper and add great new flavors.
Rico’s Rub and Seasoning Blend and Rico’s Vegetable Seasoning make cooking easy and fun; adding great flavor with a light touch of the hand. It’s like having your whole spice rack in an easy to use package. Check us out also on Facebook at the Rico’sRub page.
Christmas Party (POTLUCK)
Dec. 16, 2017 starting at 11 AM POTLUCK CHRISTMAS PARTY Maxine's home in Barrio Arenilla de San Pedro Directions: 15 miles south (26 km) of Maxi Pali on InterAmericana Hwy. When approaching (covered) bridge over Rio San Pedro, turn left just before bridge, drive 1/2 mile (1 km) on paved road, until you see a large commercial building on your left (half metal, half concrete blocks with large green doors), get off paved road and drive between large building and Arenilla Abast to a fork in the road. Keep to your right (the flat road) and continue (1/3 mile, 2/3 km) until you see Centro Educativo Arenilla on your right. Entrance to Maxine's property is across from the school. Drive on paved road to top of the hill. Park behind the house among trees.
maxinedeville@gmail.com 2731-1247
Happy to have this week de Blackberry Cobbler, Nag Champa Incense, dental floss ... great repellents ... Sacha Inchi Seeds ... organic tobacco. Also red & red/white quinoa ... delicious protein substitute for rice.
Blackberry Vinaigrette ... super on salads & more!
Delicious Dates!
Organic Extra Virgen Olive Oil
Kalamata Black Olives
Garlic or Teriyaki Coconut Aminos
Organic Lemon & Peppermint Extracts
Organic Yuca Flour
Tea Tree Oils
Crunchy Spirulina ... now available at new lower price
Matcha Green Tea ... amazing health properties & delicious
Patchouli Oil
Clove Oil
Sauerkraut is one of the best foods for your tummy ... we are so fortunate to have Rosita's Organic Kraut ... so delicious & great for your digestion and general health.
The shitake mushrooms are extraordinary and quite magical .. click here to read about their many benefits. BACK IN STOCK
Moringa: One Of The World’s Most Abundant Sources of Vitamins And Minerals We are fortunate to have local, organic Moringa here in our area now ... I've been learning more about it's benefits and the amazing energy the seeds and leaves give ... and the healing qualities of the Oil. Trees also available ... all @ Colibri's Corner
Come enjoy a sticky yummy Cinnamon Roll made with real butter!
We have mangosteen "matas" or baby trees at Colibri's Corner. If you want larger quantities .. let me know.trees@puravidaconnections.com
At Colibri's Corner this week:
Kale Chips
Organic Eggs
Turmeric Powder & Roots & Capsules
Organic Coconut Aminos ...Traditional
Organic Red or Black Beans
Fresh Trout / Smoked Trout
Sacha Inchi Nuts
Palo Santo
Hombre Grande
All natural organic tobacco
Vegan Cookies
Hot & Sweet Mustard
Organic Vanilla Beans
All Organic Corn Chips ... yellow
Raw Honey
Fresh Salsa
Local Organic Beans & Rice (Integral & White)
Organic Teas
Stevia in Powder & Liquid
Organic Dried Pineapple / Mangos / Bananas
Coconut Secret Amino Acids This sap is very low glycemic, an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.
Organic Sauerkraut
Becca's Amazing Hot Hot Sauces
We also have now:
Organic Alfalfa Seeds
Crunchy Spirulina
Salt shaker grinders
Peppermint Oil
Lavender Oil
Clove Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Organic sauerkraut
Goat cheeses
Swiss Cheese
Mozzarelli Cheese
Fresh & Smoked Trout
Nutritional Yeast
Diatomaceous Earth
Epsom Salts
Moringa Seeds & Leaves
Organic Black Strap Molasses
International Phone Cards
Cactus Juice & other Natural Bug Repellents
Sticky, Yummy Dates
Costa Rican Macadamias
Integral Oats
For anyone with pain from spots injuries, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatic, please check this link. We are very fortunate to have this high quality Magnesium Oil now available. Also works great as an all natural deodorant!
International Phone Cards available for major savings. phonecard@puravidaconnections.com
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all