Last night Marguerite met with the physician in charge of the Palliative Care Program with our local hospital. She was relieved and hopeful from what she learned!
After their interview and a brief exam of the new tumors, the doctor asked Marguerite to return next week for a thorax x-ray.
It has been two months since the follow-up exam with the surgeon of her mastectomy, and since then, it is obvious the tumors which were not removed are now spreading across her chest cavity. An x-ray will reveal if the cancer has spread to her lungs or spine.
Still, the doctor was surprised that its been two years since the first tumor appeared, and with only a mastectomy, without any other conventional medical treatment, that Marguerite is doing so well. Like the surgeon said two months ago, the palliative care physician also recommended Marguerite "continue doing whatever you're doing."
Marguerite told her that after she recovered from the surgery, she had regained enough energy and strength to resume offering hair cuts to some clients. And that in the last two weeks she has been attempting to sell organic, coconut "Un-granola Bars at our local farmer's market, in an attempt to supplement whatever donations are given. But the doctor said working was not a good idea, and especially not to be carrying any weight in either of her arms. So this is why we reach out to you for financial assistance, especially now.
The best news of all, is that Marguerite learned that not only would her end-of-life treatment, medicines, and being able to be at home be covered through palliative care, but also the bill for the mastectomy would be covered!
This is huge relief for Marguerite and means we don't have to raise near as much money. She only needs enough for her monthly living expenses and for her alternative medicines which are all natural and plant-based.
So we thank you with all our hearts for your loving care, your prayers and good wishes, and for your financial gifts; as well as for sharing this with those you think might want to help.