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Writer's picture: Pura Vida ConnectionsPura Vida Connections

If you are just reading about Marguerite for the first time, she is dealing with progressive breast cancer. She is at home in La Palma, treating it with natural alternatives. And since she is no longer able to provide for herself, this is an ongoing bulletin for those in our community who are offering their loving support.

An update of her current status and needs is regularly posted here as she goes through this process. Marguerite wants to especially express her deepest gratitude for all of you who are giving donations, for your personal phone calls and texts, for all the other ways you are assisting, and for all your prayers and caring thoughts. THANK YOU!

She wants you to know that in her area it is difficult to receive clear phone calls, or for her to return messages. If she doesn't return your call right away, she will when she can. Texts are much easier for her. And an alternative is to leave a message for her through an email or FB message to me (Sheri Cooke,


Semana Santa was difficult. She had more pain and fatigue, pain in new areas which has thankfully subsided. Plans she had made fell through, and by Monday she was already through that and looking at what needs to happen this week.

Her cats were to be removed last week, but when two men came to get them, they scattered everywhere – she said she tried to tell the guys that would happen! The plan is to reschedule them this week.

And she is looking at some legal stuff to get in place, facing them one step at a time, and over again, when the way seems to be blocked.

She tires easily, has very little appetite, but is making an effort to eat “more”, and from healthy organic foods as available.


Financial donations received by you at the feria(s), through paypal, and my BCR account, have covered her medications, medical supplies, and living expenses for last week and this week. THANK YOU!

Thank you to those who are bringing prepared meals since she has little motivation to prepare foods, except for an organic salad every day. So, having ready-made is great! It is best to contact her in advance to find out what she needs. 8605-1335

She is receiving fresh organic food and organic snacks from Tinamastes on Tuesdays, and/or from San Isidro on Thursdays. Thanks to Tim and Diane for shopping Tuesday in my absence!

Potent, natural cancer-killing and pain-relieving remedies are also being donated, along with consulting calls and sessions from local healers Zahrah, Raven, and Diane Britzke. THANK YOU!

She is calling today to get an appointment with the “Home” Doctor who was referred to. Hopefully, she'll take Marguerite on and a medical professional will visit every day to change her dressings and make sure she's safe.


She can only have short visits as she gets tired quickly, please call first. 8605-1335

A short phone call or text message is always helpful to just let her know you're thinking of her, and to just check in and see if she needs anything right now. If its not anything you can do, contact me, Sheri: 8796-4758


GoFundMe which DOES offer personal medical funding, unfortunately is NOT available in Costa Rica. But you can make donations by:

Cash to me (Sheri Cooke) at the Tinamastes and/or at the Colibri Corner San Isidro ferias.

Paypal at: with a note, “Donation for Marguerite”.

Direct Deposit to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758

Again, Marguerite's number: 8605-1335, my number, Sheri: 8796-4758

Thank you! God Bless you, and each and every one! I love you!!!

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