No heading I've sent out in years got so many responses as my "Happy to Say 'Adios' to 2015 from the Glorious Southern Zone of Costa Rica." And the most fun part was I didn't write it correctly to express what I wanted!
I adored 2015 ... with all its ups & downs, ins & outs, backwards & forwards, births & passings, & comings & goings. We saw our local community grow with more interesting & amazing people and projects, Sansa began flying down here a few times a week, Ann Bender finally got justice after 3 murder trials, we welcomed the lovely Chimirol Feria on Wednesdays, Vida Autenica and their Tuesday Feria expanded and flourished, and our San Isidro PZ Feria got new signage and more space for vendors. What I had really meant to say was that I was just happy to say Adios from here! And I'm equally happy to welcome 2016 and all that it will bring.
Blood Bank & Hair Donation Day Coming Up
Sunday, January 19th will be the 6th Annual National Blood Bank from 7am in the Auditorium at the Complejo Cultural in downtown San Isidro. The blood banks are in serious need of donations and this is a wonderful way to contribute to the community. One of our own beloved friends, Scott Domanic, is currently in need of blood donations and other help. Click the link for the Scott and Allison Domanic Emergency Fund.
Same day, same time, will be the third year for hair donations to make wigs for those who have lost their hair from chemotherapy. This wonderful event will be in the Central Park in San Isidro. Article on these events in Spanish, here.
I'm new to the area I'm moving into a house in Cajon. I need everything for the house. I do have already a refrigerator and a stove. But I need everything else.
Would appreciate any help.
Ingrassiapat@hotmail.com 6068-6938
Patrick Ingrassia LMT Lic. Massage Therapist During January, we have a campaign to collect useful things for students from families unable to purchase books, etc. for themselves. You can leave donations at Cortinas Krisa or call Laura, 8852-2185.
A Longevity Puzzle: Why Do Poor Costa Ricans Outlive Poor Americans?
92% of Costa Ricans Believe in Withcraft (Brujeria Couple seeks to rent out a small car for 6 weeks. Budget: 400$ myra.lutsenko@gmail.com Wanted: a computer literate person with car and good communication skills to run an Air B'nB site. You will be given free accommodation in a 2 bedroom furnished home with high speed Wimax internet after a 3 month trial period. Please contact us with your qualifications at homesteadingcr@gmail.com
Using Manuka Honey As Medicine. Treat Diabetes, Inflammation And Cancer
We are carrying a small amount at Colibri's Corne
Minor Traffic Accident Reconciliation Rule Starts Jan. 7
Drivers involved in a minor accident - no personal injury or fatality - can agree to reconcile without calling the traffic police
I've tried to catch up with everything on our website the last few days, so if I've missed anything ... please send again. Also, please check your ads to make sure they are current and correct. Huge thank you to Adria Brunner for her tireless work in co-creating our Pura Vida Connections website! We are getting lots of people reading our property pages, and have added several listings on all pages.
The feria schedule is back to 'normal' this week ... Thursdays 7-7 and Fridays 9-1 at the PZ feria we will be open at Colibri's Corner.
Lately we've been learning of the amazing benefits and necessity of magnesium in our lives and body. For anyone with pain from spots injuries, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatic, please check this link. We are very fortunate to have this high quality Magnesium Oil now available. We also are now carrying Epsom Salts, another way to get magnesium back in our bodies. Click here to read of the benefits.
Casey & Sebastian are again offering their home raised Smoked Sausages, Ham & Bacon. Send orders ahead of the feria to bacon@puravidaconnections.com or call them at : 8407-0394
Just in: California Sage Sticks & Nag Champa incense & Epsom Salts.
New supply of Organic Flor de Jamaica from Finca Amrta to make a healthy & delicious natural tea.
Our international phone cards are working great too. About 1/3 of the cost of Kolbi/ICE. Best for US, Canada & Europe.
Cactus Juice is an excellent bug repellent and natural sunscreen and we're happy to have a new supply.
Our fresh or smoked trout is absolutely delicious!
Organic Black Strap Molasses / Cranberries / Oats Integral / Organic Rice / Dates / Brazil Nuts / Pistachios / Quinoa / Pecans / Cashews (raw or toasted) / Sunflower Seeds / Chia Seeds / Prunes / Macadamias & more!
Always happy to receive all glass bottles & jars (preferably with lids but not exclusively). We currently have a good supply of liter bottles not being utilized if anyone has a need .. let me know. Egg cartons with tops are also very useful! Our local farm fresh eggs are super tasty!
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all