Welcome New Friends & Old ones too! So many wonderful people are finding our magical part of this world.
In the last week, 3 people I love have fallen & done substantial damage to themselves, broken ankle, broken hip & miscellaneous boo-boos. Please stay vertical and eternally vigilant.
I just had my driveway and entry Power Washed & what a difference it made! It was slippery scary before. I can recommend Geiner at 8632 5399 if you need to Power Wash / remove moss etc.
Want to congratulate our delightful chocolate makers from Sierpe for winning First Prize for their Milk Chocolate Bars at the Puerto Viejo Chocolate Festival this weekend. Normally not a milk chocolate lover ... I find this is really the most delicious. Come by for a taste. The Chili and the Coffee and the Sunflower are all delicious too... and all Dark Chocolate.
Translators available.
Oral and written.
Local and willing to travel.
For more Information call: 72028469 / 72028422
Thammara Urrutia <thamma16@gmail.com>
Congratulations to our own, Jesse Blenn, head of the new Association of Electric Vehicles here in Costa Rica. Here's a great article in Spanish on what's happening here. We wish him the very best of luck.
For a Frustration Free Errand Experience
For someone who is not fluent in Spanish or new to the area, San Isidro can be worse than a jungle hunt. Let us help you find what you need, from hardware to housewares, deal with banks, paperwork, government agencies, bills, lawyers and more. We will take you to the right places and translate for you to save you time, money and aggravation, while enjoying the experience. Or if you prefer to do it on your own, leave the kids with us, for safe, secure, creative Child Care. References available. Call 8682-1179 and ask for Abigael.
Meditation Weekend at Sat Yoga Ashram - Nov 27-29, 2015
For three days and two nights, be immersed in the peace, beauty, and joy of our mountain sanctuary. The Sat Yoga Ashram offers you a sacred refuge where you can go deeply within, and experience the transformative power of meditation.
The weekend begins on Friday afternoon and ends on Sunday afternoon. The program includes powerful teachings, several silent and guided meditations, nature walks and opportunities to meet and share with like-minded beings.
The weekend is led by Shunyamurti, a contemporary master of meditation and yoga and the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute.
Our sweet neighbor at the feria, Vivero Calderon, has some of the most gorgeous orchids ever! Meet them at the feria in PZ, or call Alfredo @ 8316-6194 for any gardening services.
Thanks to all with ads on our website who sent in updates ... if you haven't done so ... please check your ad and make sure all is current!
Congratulations to our feria neighbor Maria for this lovely article on her ... she offers her goodies at all the ferias in the area.
Happy to let you know we have Nag Champa Incense, Fluoride Free Toothpastes, Yerba Mate Tea, Tea Tree Dental Floss, Oregano & Tea Tree & Moringa & Neem Oils.
Also our delicious Smoked or Fresh Trout and Farm Fresh Chickens, herbed goat cheese, goat milk, swiss or mozzarelli cheeses.
Still time to order your holiday turkey or chicken ... write birdies@puravidaconnections.com.
We finally have an even better substitute for our Nature's Veil ... this time with Neem and other natural repellents included ... great for bites, preventing bites, any skin eruption, burns, etc.
Our international phone cards are working great too.
Dates / brazil nuts / pistachios / quinoa / pecans / cashews (raw or toasted) / sunflower seeds / chia seeds / prunes / walnuts & macadamias & more!
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all