Last week, Annalisa and Chris went to Marguerite's home to video tape her amazing journey and ongoing transformation. She is living moment-by-moment with cancer and without invasive medical treatment, insurance, or normal means of financial support.
I hope soon to put a brief clip of this video interview as part of a new post on CaringYou.com. I hope to expand her support to a much larger, global community to assure her care into the future, and maybe even make it possible to afford even better care and quality of life....things such as getting a juicer or high-speed blender, a washing machine, and make some much needed repairs on her home exterior and interior, including a new paint job, and fill in the big ditch in the entrance to her driveway entrance – just for starters!
In the meantime, Marguerite is busy administering self care on a daily basis to deal with pain and keeping herself fed, rested, caring for her animals, etc. And most days now, she is up to offering a hair cut if clients can come to her, or arrange her transportation back and forth to their home.
With the rainy season slashing donations, she still needs to hire and pay for services as listed below. So maybe you'd like to JUMP ON BOARD THE LIFELINE TRAIN for Marguerite and DONATE 3 MIL/WEEK? If you'd like to be on this list please grab Sheri at the Tinamastes or San Isidro ferias, or PM Sheri Cooke here, or: sheri@totallythriving.com. She would happily receive donations for:
Rides to town or back - taxis are expensive, but are sometimes she is not energetically up to the 15 min walk each way to the bus stop, or when its pouring rain, or when carrying packages.
Dog food (she uses very inexpensive butcher by-products mixed with rice).
Tobacco for rolling and wrappers-(this is a habit that she cannot break and helps her deal with the pain).
Trimming her lawn – 15 mil every 3 weeks
Weekly laundry – 5 mil for 2 loads
Monthly water bill – 6 mil
Monthly garbage bill – 5 mil
Haircutting scissors and other beauty supplies (ask her).
Cover her prepago phone – 8 mil per month
Purchase a credit at Farmacia Mare (Dr. Rebecca) for her pain meds – 12 mil/week
Purchase a credit at supermarkets Supermercado CoopeAgri or Luferz.
Her electricity is covered for the next 4 months – thank you!!!
Her organic food lists are covered every week, and some cancer remedies – thank you!!!
It's amazing to think that any of us could be in Marguerite's shoes – and to have this opportunity to share a little abundance when she needs it most at this time
16 July, 2017:
...And if you miss me, you can leave a donation Thursday or Friday in the “lifeline fund” jar at the COLIBRI CORNER at the San Isidro feria.
Any amount makes a difference – thank you and bless you for your ongoing support!
Her two month post-surgery appointment is next Friday, the 21st of this month. She is eager to ask what the new pains in her chest might indicate, as well as the ongoing pain and lump under her right arm.
Other than concern about how to tell if she is making any progress or not, her attitude remains hopefully expectant, living one day at a time, according to her energy levels.
She wants to make sure you know how much she continually appreciates each donation and every other generous gift, and for keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. She wishes you knew what it feels like for her inside...you are an angel!
TUESDAYS: Cash to Sheri, Tim or Tessa, or Bill Van Horn at the Tinamastes feria. OR
THURS or FRI: At the Colibri Corner at the San Isidro feria (look for “LIFELINE FUND” jars)
Paypal at: chayotevine@gmail.com with a note, “Donation for Marguerite”.
Direct Deposit to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758
Marguerite's number: 8605-1335 – Sheri's 8796-4758, sheri@totallythriving.com
5 July 2017:
FOR THOSE CONTRIBUTING TO THE “LIFELINE SUPPORT GROUP” FOR MARGUERITE BEATTIE, I wasn't at the Tinamastes feria Tuesday, but will be at the San Isidra feria. If you miss me, look for the plastic “lifeline fund” jar at the Colibri Corner.
Any amount makes a difference – thank you and bless you for your ongoing support!!
She has been experiencing more pain and swelling in the area that is supposedly “just damaged tissues” from the emergency mastectomy and she still tires quickly. She has a two-month follow up appointment at the hospital on July 21st. She is intending to get a definite answer about that and what the cancer status is overall.
She had a big set back last week, when her donor for the main cancer-fighting ingredient said he can no longer provide it, as he is helping someone in his family who needs it. “When one door shuts down, another opens”, I keep reminding her (and myself!), and she is keeping her mind focused on expecting something new, that we couldn't possibly plan or haven't thought of yet to show up. This is my deep experience of how life works.
And, she is using many other known natural cancer killers: frankincense, turmeric, mushrooms, and starving it from not eating the foods that feed it and keeping her system alkaline with baking soda and apple cider vinegar, and lots of veggies.
Her main need is for ongoing financial support so she doesn't have to worry about that. She thanks you profusely for every consideration, for every donation, and all the help with food, visits, charging her phone when needed, and paying her utilities. THANK YOU ANGELS!!!
Cash to Sheri, Tim or Tessa, or Bill Van Horn at the Tuesday Tinamastes feria, and/or at the Colibri Corner at the Thursday/Friday San Isidro feria. (look for the jars).
Paypal at: chayotevine@gmail.com with a note, “Donation for Marguerite”.
Direct Deposit to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758
Again, Marguerite's number: 8605-1335 – Sheri's 8796-4758, sheri@totallythriving.com
Jun 19, 2017
DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS? I'm fresh out of ideas for raising ongoing funds for Marguerite Beattie. There have beeninsufficient funds the last three weeks to cover her living expenses, and now her electricity bill isdue, the kitty is empty, and so is her refrigerator. Not to guilt anyone, just saying what's what. I will get groceries for her tomorrow at the Tinamastes feria and can collect any donations there. I was hoping originally that maybe 20-30 friends would commit to chipping in 1, 5, 10 mil ormore each week for as long as needed. It was like that at first, but now its down to 1 or 2people contributing.If you have any ideas at all I'd love to hear them. You can message me here, or by email:sheri@totallythriving.com or call me: 8796 4758. PERHAPS YOU HAVE A JOB SHE CAN DO FOR YOU? Marguerite says she is willing to work if there is something you need that she can do. Forexample, she sorted out coins for a friend recently so they'd be ready to cash in at the bank.She is unable to do physical work like house cleaning or anything that takes physical exertion,yet if you need anything that she can do while sitting she'd love to help.
UPDATES: She found the surgeon's clinic is in town who did the mastectomy,and she is going today inhopes of seeing him, or setting up a time to find out for sure what her health status is. He toldher after the procedure that there was still “a lot” of cancer in her body, but where and what thatmeans she doesn't know yet.
OTHER WAYS TO HELP: CHECK IN WITH MARGUERITE: Just touching base to let her know you're thinking of her, orseeing if there is anything she needs is always helpful. The best way to reach her is by text: 8605-1335
DONATIONS: Cash to Sheri, Tim or Tessa at the Tinamastes feria, and/or at the Colibri Cornerat the San Isidro feria. (LOOK FOR THE LARGE PLASTIC JAR).PAYPAL at: chayotevine@gmail.com with a note, “Donation for Marguerite”.DIRECT DEPOSIT to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758, sheri@totallythriving.com
13 June, 2017:
GIANT THANK YOU'S TO ALL THOSE CONTRIBUTING IN THE “LIFELINE SUPPORT GROUP” FOR MARGUERITE BEATTIE!!! Every little bit is helping her deepen her peace of mind and to recover from breast cancer, while hopefully eliminating any that yet may remain.
AND BLESS YOU for all the other ways you are providing ongoing support!!
Nothing really new this week. Seems she's found a pretty stable base now as she steadily works to assist her body-mind-spirit in healing at all levels.
CHECKING IN WITH MARGUERITE: Just touching base to let her know you're thinking of her, or seeing if there is anything she needs is always helpful. The best way to reach her is by text: 8605-1335
DONATIONS: Cash to Sheri, Tim or Tessa at the Tinamastes feria, and/or at the Colibri Corner at the San Isidro feria. (LOOK FOR THE LARGE PLASTIC JAR).
PAYPAL at: chayotevine@gmail.com with a note, “Donation for Marguerite”.
DIRECT DEPOSIT to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758, sheri@totallythriving.com
BEATTIE, look for the plastic “lifeline fund” jars at the Tues Tinamates OR Thurs San Isidro
Any amount makes a difference – thank you and bless you for your ongoing support!!
Last Tuesday, the long awaited appointment at the Hospital. Waited the usual 2 hours, hoping
to finally get the lab results from her mastectomy, and go over them with a Doctor. Also to
check a post-surgery hard, swollen, sore area on her chest. Concerned it might be lymph
Turned out the appointment was only for palliative care – to see if she needed anything for pain
Was sent to several places in the hospital to track down lab results, no luck. At least a Doctor
and technician checked the area on her chest and assured her it definitely was NOT some new
lymph cancer – just irritated muscle tissue from the surgery. She was ecstatic on the phone
when she told me!
Hasn't been up to return to try to track down lab results. Figures she's following a cancer
elimination protocol all this time anyway – and, having no desire to undergo conventional
treatment, it doesn't really matter what the results are. Her only challenge with this is
managing the part of her mind, like our own, that “wants to know what's going on”, in the face of
“the scary unknown”.
Its impossible to express and do justice to her continual endeavor to stay in the trust, courage,
and peace she is building within herself, her body, with Source, and her destiny. As a shining
example, I believe this is her legacy and huge contribution to us! For this is a journey we must
each take, and each in our time and way.
Her main need is for ongoing financial support. She thanks you profusely for every
consideration, for all the help with food, visits, and charging her phone when needed. She told
me she has never felt loved like she does now!!! THANK YOU!!!
Cash to Sheri, Tim or Tessa at the Tinamastes feria, and/or at the Colibri Corner at the San
Isidro feria. (look for the jars)
Paypal at: chayotevine@gmail.com with a note, “Donation for Marguerite”.
Direct Deposit to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758
Again, Marguerite's number: 8605-1335 – Sheri's 8796-4758, sheri@totallythriving.com
Hi Everyone!!! Thanks again for tracking these updates...and for your loving thoughts and all your generous giving, in so many ways!!! I am continually humbled by the generosity of spirit pouring forth through all my brothers and sisters!!!!
A special thank you to Tim and Tessa who are replacing me at the Tinamastes Feria to collect donations when I am not there, as well as to shop and deliver groceries to Marguerite!!!
So, let's see...the stitches were removed today!!! Its been 20 days already since the single mastectomy! She does have a new, large lump just beyond where the surgery ended; and asking the technician who removed the stitches, she was told “that its
probably just swollen tendons from the surgery -- but for sure to ask the surgeons at her next follow up appointment in two weeks”.
Otherwise, her physical health status remains the same as far as we can tell.
She is really working “her program” to keep actively releasing any fears, returning to the present and being in gratitude for what actually IS --,and -- to give her body what it needs, to the best of her ability.
In a strong moment she said to me last week, "I should be up for doing hair again in about a month, I think". ("I doubt that!" I thought....and then, but anything is possible and God only knows! We shall see what's in store for her, exactly as we are for ourselves, moment by moment, yes?)
And for sure right now, she is not up to any kind of social engagement. One-on-one for a few minutes at a time, is about all she can handle.
GoFundMe which DOES offer personal medical funding, unfortunately is NOT available in Costa Rica. But you can make
donations by:
CASH to Sheri, or NEW – IN TINAMASTES: TO TIM OR TESSA (there is a marked "donations for Marguerite" jug which also
may be near the cafe/entrance)....
And/or CASH at the SAN ISIDRO FERIA to Sheri, or at the Colibri Corner.
PAYPAL: chayotevine@gmail.com with a note, “Donation for Marguerite”.
DIRECT DEPOSIT to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758
Again, Marguerite's number: 8605-1335 – Sheri's 8796-4758,
IN CASE YOU'VE BEEN MEANING TO AND HAVEN'T YET, this is the time to donate to Marguerite who is at home, fighting for her life with cancer. Heading into a new week this is the first time the fund is empty.
Now she is focusing on listening to her body to notice which of the healing agents are making the biggest difference.
Tricky, because its not just about "feeling or looking better" -- its also taking into account the negative effects as cancer and other toxins are being released from her body.
Personally, I can't imagine trying to do this alone without some kind of medical expert at my side who has a track record for healing cancer with alternative methods, and who can help keep my hopes high. She is fighting for her life in so many ways.
And your donations are her lifeline right now -- to continue with cancer-fighting substances, buying and eating the foods that bolster her immune system, and being relieved of enormous stress from not be able to provide for herself -- to focus on healing.
Continued financial support -- And, I can hear the inner voice say, "Well, she's always needed that! And now how long is this gonna go on?"
It could be a long time. She might make it and might not. Its a tough one isn't it?
As Russ and I look at this, we see our giving is really for us. Yeah, its for her too, but really its digging deep into who we are, and listening from a place that is UN-reasonable. Like with the beggar on the street. Sometimes we do and sometimes we don't. There are no rules, only following our heart's command in the moment. So be free with this, and be true to yourself.
NEW: We are putting a big jar at or near the cafe counter at the entrance to the Tinamastes feria to make it easier for more people to donate a little. Tim and Tessa are overseeing this, and if you prefer, you can give your donation directly to them.
CASH to Sheri when I'm at the Tinamastes feria, or at the SAN ISIDRO FERIA. Also, the Colibri Corner at the SI feria.
PAYPAL: chayotevine@gmail.com with a note, “Donation for Marguerite”.
DIRECT DEPOSIT to Sheri's BCR account: call me to get the account info – 8796 4758
Marguerite's number: 8605-1335 Sheri's 8796-4758, sheri@totallythriving.com