I am calling for human angels who know Marguerite Beattie. Marguerite woke up in a pool of blood last Wednesday morning, March 29, when her breast tumor ruptured during the night.
Briefly, about 18 months ago she noticed a lump. She immediately began researching and educating herself on what it might be, along with options of treatment for cancer here in Costa Rica. She decided against invasive testing and possible surgery, chemo and radiation; instead she chose to pursue non-toxic, natural alternatives.
And now, while looking healthier and younger than her last ten years, she has accepted that she has cancer, yet will continue alternative methods. She is also preparing herself for leaving this world. Her choice is to pass in dignity rather than receive radical treatments, that at this stage, would most likely be ineffective, and would certainly reduce the quality of the time she has left.
Her symptoms now include: constant moderate pain in her breast and right arm; limited range of motion and strength in her right arm, and two new lumps under her arm. She tires quickly. She becomes ill now when in the heat, noise, smells and frenzy of town. With a severe loss in appetite she is continually losing weight, and has no motivation to cook or prepare food, unless its “ready to go”. She can no longer work to sustain herself. And given her current symptoms, it is obvious the cancer has metastasized.
Her neighbors are cleaning her house, doing her laundry, and helping with her pets. Marguerite is calling a meeting of her extended family of neighbors to see if anyone wants to buy her property, even making small payments -- yet problems with the Title need over a $1000.00 in atty fees.
She has been receiving guidance from a Doctor at a pharmacy who long ago advised her as to what to expect, stage by stage. This same doctor is now guiding her with what she can do at home, and has referred her to an in-home Doctor. Marguerite is waiting for a return call.
Its clear Marguerite needs assistance not just with money – so I am asking for ideas on how our community may manage her basic needs. This process is just starting and not in any way organized as yet; thankfully, your response will help determine what needs to unfold. Other possibilities:
Call her or go visit ... her number is: 8605-1335
Pick up and deliver a few groceries
Make a salad or other healthy dish/snack and bring it to her
Offer rides if needed; and charge her cell phone when needed
Commit to 5, 10, 20 mil or more a month, towards a Community Fund that we can use to accomplish all of the above. (Anyone know how to set one up?)
PLEASE CALL OR TEXT ME if you wish to participate in any way. Sheri Cooke, 8796-4758. (Unfortunately, I have VERY LIMITED INTERNET SPEED currently--often unable to open emails or send and receive FB messages.)
Finally, God Bless us, each and every one! Thank you, I love you. Sheri