Dolphin Playtime Today with Sierra Goodman of Divine Dolphin Tours
The last weeks have been extremely hot and dry ... just teases of rain for sometimes less than 2 minutes. So it was a wonderful, wet surprise for a huge downpour just now on a walk with 3 dogs and a very beautiful, pregnant friend. It's still raining ... and the trees and plants and flowers are singing its praises! Heavy Rains Expected for 2016 Green Season in Costa Rica
Our neighbor: Ann Bender, back in States, remains legally entangled Ann Patton in new battle with Costa Rican government over $7 million in seized gems
Amazing News ... 12,000 Year Old Archaeological Sites Found in Costa Rica
San Vito / Las Cruces: Predator and prey in a jolly green giant of a garden
World Bank Support for Costa Rica Healthcare Improvement The first group of basic Spanish classes started this week and a second group is now opening for next week too. There is also an intermediate conversation, reading and writing class for those who want to take their Spanish to a next level. The fee for these classes is 3,000 colones per class.
We also have two groups learning basic English now and new schedules are open to start next week, as well aa an intermediate conversational English class. Please let your Tico friends and family know, so they can come an join us! The fee per class is 2 mil colones.
For more information a registration please contact:
adriagap154@gmail.com or call 2771-7173
SEEKING person who can take poems off my computor, organize them and design simple book, must have experience write to doctorwalter123@gmail.com 8333 8625, no messages please
From Rosie & Maji Abundant Bountiful 50 Acre Self Sustaining Farm 10,000 Tree Reforestation 2 Active Greenhouses 1 Large Field For Ground Crop Solar Shower, 55Natural Spring & electric.
Looking for renters for the 2BR. main house ($300 month) and volunteers for large screened dorm house 8 beds with full kitchen ($90 month) incuding use all food on farm for 3 hrs day watering /weeding gardens. For Caretakers1/2 off for 3 hr work share with local workers. Contact rosiemaji@yahoo.com or call Maji 8424-4046 please contact us before April 15.
Back to our 'normal' schedule at the PZ feria this week ... we will be offering:
TeNamaste ... the amazingly delicious & healing tea made with turmeric, ginger, coconut oil and magical spices.
Fresh Salsa
Organic Teas
Stevia in Powder & Liquid
Coconut Secret Amino Acids This sap is very low glycemic, an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.
Organic Sauerkraut
Vegan Pesto & Vegan Raw Cookies
Sourdough Bread
Organic Pure Grade A Maple Syrup
We also have now:
Manuka honey
Organic Alfalfa Seeds
Crunchy Spirulina
Salt shaker grinders
Frankinsence Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Organic sauerkraut
Goat cheeses
Swiss Cheese
Mozzarelli Cheese
Fresh & Smoked Trout
Nutritional Yeast
Diatomaceous Earth
Epson Salts
Lavender Oil
Moringa Seeds & Leaves
Organic Black Strap Molasses
International Phone Cards
Cactus Juice & other Natural Bug Repellants
Sticky, Yummy Dates
Costa Rican Macadamias
Integral Oats
For anyone with pain from spots injuries, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatic, please check this link. We are very fortunate to have this high quality Magnesium Oil now available.
International Phone Cards available for major savings. phonecard@puravidaconnections.com
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all