Eternal gratitude to David Bowie ... last photo of him, taken on his 69th birthday, January 8, 2016 by his wife, Iman, after releasing his 28th Studio Album that day. He left this Earth on January 10th, after battling liver cancer. He invited us to “Look up here, I’m in heaven...”
Remember, Live Music from 1 - 3:30 Thursdays at Kapi Blu ... or stop in for the best coffee / cappuchinos / expressos in Costa Rica anytime.
Selling 100% organic grass fed beef bones for stock $5.00 a pound, 100% organic grass fed beef ribs for $9.00 a pound, also liver and heart $6.00 a pound. If interested contact Johanna Panek at johannapanek@yahoo.com
Costa Rica could be the next location featured in a U.K. documentary series called "Escape to the Wild," and producers are looking for your stories. Find out more here.
Check Events page for La Leche League meetings.
David is back and will be bringing his delicious and healthy Te NamasTe ... a blend of organic turmeric & ginger & coconut oil & coconut milk & raw honey & exotic spices. Come by Colibri's Corner for a taste or a glass or a bottle to take home with you.
Will have Mangosteen Trees this week ... if you want any quantity ... let me know and I can order more.
Moringa Seeds ... bitter & potent!
For Sale Katahdin Female Sheep 1.5 years old. Never bred. Raised on organic pasture, feed organic bananas and pejibyes; Asking: $100.00 nancynovak23@gmail.com
For anyone with pain from spots injuries, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatic, please check this link. We are very fortunate to have this high quality Magnesium Oil now available.
Our international phone cards are working great too.
Our fresh or smoked trout is absolutely delicious!
Organic Black Strap Molasses / Cranberries / Oats Integral / Organic Rice / Dates / Brazil Nuts / Pistachios / Quinoa / Pecans / Cashews (raw or toasted) / Sunflower Seeds / Chia Seeds / Prunes / Walnuts & Macadamias & more!
We have Cactus Juice & other natural bug repellents.
We appreciate pre-orders & can ship throughout Costa Rica.
Pura Vida Blessings to all