Warm Welcome to our Many New Readers!
I'd like to know if there is anyone in the community that knows anything about wild mushrooms or that already picks and sells them (as food and/or for therapeutic reasons), or that do some kind of eco-mycology tours? I have a friend who's a nurse but also an avid mycologist eager to transfer her knowledge while contributing to a new kind of ecotourism and business in Central America. Thank you so much in advance.
Suzy sethier@consult-iidc.com
Join me in the kitchen!
Selva Armonia Retreat Center and Eco-Lodge is looking for a unique individual to fill a full-time, live-in position as Kitchen Assistant. If you would like to be part of a passionate team preparing whole vital foods in a professional atmosphere and want to learn what it takes to run a successful kitchen in the Costa Rican jungle, let us know.
Must be willing to relocate to a jungle paradise, have experience in high quality vegetarian meal preparation and presentation for groups up to 30, attention to detail, organizational focus, service and team-oriented with strong skills in interfacing and communicating with guests and co-workers. Lodging and meals included. Contracts may vary. To learn more, send me your resume ataceitesdiarios@gmail.com www.selvaarmonia.com
Costa Rica and Quebradas lost a long and beloved resident this week with the passing of Noreen Schmit, Our deepest sympathy to her daughter, Jeddrah, her mother and sister, and her many friends here who loved her dearly.
On March 6th, 2015, Warden Carol Vaughn attended an all-day training session for U.S. Embassy Wardens at the U.S. Embassy Residence in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Happy to announce we have a new supply of Organic Hemp Seeds ... an amazing and delicious superfood. And remember our Omega 3 rich and delicious Smoked Trout!
Noe will be offering fresh, young lamb soon. To find out more and place pre-orders, please call him at 2770-1576.
Have a limited amount of Organic Vanilla Extract ... and delicious Organic Corn Tortillas and Gluten Free and Otherwise Delicious Breads.
We've added some beautiful listings both on rentals and properties for sale ... so please check them out if you are in the market. A reminder too, that getting your ads in by Tuesday 10am really helps us get this Vine out in a timely manner ... we still receive several submissions much later than that. Pre-orders are so appreciated ... and help with the flow of everything ... the earlier the better and thanks for all. Remember too that we have International Calling Cards ... way cheaper than ICE long distance. Newsworthy items can be found here. Great 'stuff' for sale ... and those looking for specific items, please click here. If you are looking for rentals ... please click here. For house shares, house sitters, roommates, and the like, please click here. To check out many new listings and amazing properties for sale, please click here. For the many wonderful upcoming events, please click here. Vehicles of all kinds, please click here. Products available at Colibri's Corner and via shipping, please click here. Pura Vida Blessings to All
Pura Vida Connections Website - Home of the Chayotevine