Center for Self-Sufficiency, Biodynamic Organic Farming, Permaculture, Yoga, Meditation & Holistic Healing
About Us
Ardent Light is the English translation of the Spanish surname Luzardo which is the last name of the founders; Ngoc (pronounced like “knock”) and José Alberto Luzardo (a.k.a. JAL pronounced like “Hal”). Ardent in English means enthusiastic or passionate and Light is the source of illumination and has a wonderful spiritual significance as seen in the words enlightenment, lightworkers, light body, and light of the world. Ardent Light was created in 2010 to help spread peace and enlightenment during this time of massive change and turmoil. Ngoc and JAL are one of many lightworkers around the world with this very same mission. A lightworker is a worker of the Light who helps dispel darkness and ignorance so we can see a whole new world of possibilities.
Jal & Ngoc
2010 - present
Our Ultimate Goal is to Offer Everything for FREE
The key to achieving FREEdom from the monetary system for ALL is to make sure that we are clear that our ultimate goal is not about making money. The goal is to stop making money and eventually share or offer everything for FREE. That does not mean that in the beginning we cannot charge for our products or services (because unfortunately, we will need some money to start us on the path to self-sufficiency since most people will not just give us machinery or tools for free for example), but that we make it clear that our end goal is to get the price down over time as we become more self-sufficient until in the end we can eventually offer it for FREE. Zero expenses means zero need for money. We are just in the beginning stages of all this and hope you will join us in our quest for Utopia for All.
Our Motherland
The Motherland concept as defined in We Have Found Our Motherland! and Our “Fall” From Grace & Our Return to Eden was taken from the Anastasia Ringing Cedars series of books. Ngoc was introduced to these books on April 13, 2014 by Elena Ross (founder of Finca Amanecer) after Ngoc expressed to Elena the need for humanity to start living as a tribe or larger family unit again on their own land. The books were a beautiful confirmation of the vision of the future that Ngoc saw in humanity’s collective heart over seven years ago (as of 2014).
Holistic and Healing Services
It is our deepest wish for every human being on this planet to become Whole again, to realize their own Holy Trinity by reuniting their sacred Mind, Body, and Spirit so that Divine Grace and Love can be brought forth to create Heaven on Earth. The time has come to end all suffering, all seeking, and all questioning to enjoy the wonders of paradise again.
A Vision of the Future
When we look into the future, we see a world full of happy, healthy, vibrant people living in harmony with all of Nature and the Cosmos. There is no need to eat or drink as we all live on abundant pure light and air. We communicate psychically and telepathically with each other so there is never any misunderstanding or possibility of hiding. We pool our energies together to co-create wonderful art and Beauty, expressing our Love for each other and Creation in so many different ways: celebrations, sacred ceremonies, developing products and services that entertain and delight us in infinite and creative number of ways. Everything is FREE. Money, government, and laws/morality are no longer needed as we share and love everyone equally, and experience our Oneness in every moment. Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy, and Creative expression is all that we know, feel, and do.
Our Story
Why We Moved From California to Costa Rica
Without ever having been to Costa Rica, JAL and Ngoc and their three children moved Ardent Light to Costa Rica on July 11, 2013 to start a new life to be a part of the solution and not the problem. We were driven by a vision from our collective heart of humanity’s future that is so wonderful, so amazing, and so much like the Garden of Eden from whence we were born. In this future (which already exists in the fabric of Time and Space), we see a world full of happy, healthy, vibrant people living in harmony with all of Nature and the Cosmos. We pool our energies together to co-create wonderful art and Beauty, expressing our Love for each other and Creation in so many different ways: celebrations, sacred ceremonies, developing products and services that entertain and delight us in infinite and creative number of ways. Everything is FREE. Money and governments are no longer needed as we share and love everyone equally, and experience our Oneness in every moment. Joy, Bliss, Ecstasy, and Creative expression is all that we know, feel, and do. Our mission (which we feel is the mission of all humanity) is to do our part to usher in this amazing future our descendents will inherit.
2010 - present